Once he crossed paths with his mother after his father passed away, he had learned how best it was to stay silent with her vulgar opinions. To comment would only provoke her into demeaning her subject. He would hate for Meg or the other servants to overhear his mother. Nor did he want them to learn this lady was his mother. He preferred to keep this information to himself.
Ravencroft strode to the door to close it. His servants would eavesdrop, and he needed to keep the conversation filtered the best he could. “Is there a reason for your call?”
Lady Ravencroft fluttered her fingers in the air. “Are you not going to offer me some refreshments?”
He crossed his arms over his chest and leaned against the door. “I see no reason for this to become a social call.”
Her nose twitched in distaste at the state of his furniture before she settled in a chair. “But I come bearing news.”
“Of course you have. So let’s hear it, so you can be on your way and I can settle the matter that needs attending.”
Lady Ravencroft huffed. “This is not how you should treat yourmother.”
Ravencroft cringed at the pitch in her tone. She was staking her claim to his parentage to whoever might listen. “Enough,” he snarled. “Lay out the terms.”
Lady Ravencroft’s appearance took on a pinched expression at his tone. Her attempt at stalling her confession of kidnapping the wrong Worthington sister wasn’t falling into her plans. She tried not to cringe at the anger she would invoke once she admitted her mishap. Even though she held a perfect explanation for her guards’ confusion, Ravencroft wouldn’t see it in that manner. While she had never noticed him holding tender regard for the girl, he was protective of the girl’s feelings. He doted on her, fooling everyone who didn’t know his true character. However, she knew when her son played someone false. And Noel Worthington was his latest victim.
She smoothed her hand along her skirt, wiping away the dampness. Her son was the complete opposite of his father. Her late husband had been gentle and kind and catered to her every whim, while his son held a fierce dislike for anything associated with her. Their only connection that he protected as fiercely as the Worthington girl was Crispin. He’d stolen Crispin’s devotion from her, and for that reason, she would always thwart him.
However, they were usually insignificant details to irritate him, nothing as major as this. She wasn’t foolish not to realize how the impact of her traitorous act would affect their relationship. She needed his acceptance so she could reenter society and claim her standing in the ton. If she didn’t secure his approval, then Lady L would strike her vengeance and take no mercy this time around.
“By mistake, my men might have grabbed something of yours and now Lady L has secured your belonging for safekeeping until you can retrieve it.”
Ravencroft growled. “Your men?”
Lady Ravencroft forced a laugh between her teeth. “Yes. They thought they were following Lady L’s order on kidnapping your brother’s bride. Instead, they snagged your betrothed.” She held herself still, waiting for his fury.
Ravencroft pinched his lips while his nostrils flared with his contained rage. His gaze narrowed on his mother, watching her squirm in her chair. Because of her thugs’ mistake, she risked the very thing she required from him. He refused to grant her the wish of welcoming her back into his life. However, he had dangled the opportunity to keep her in line until he figured out a plan to destroy her and Lady Langdale. Now she gave him a reason to deny her threats. Unfortunately, she still held the key to achieving her goal.
He pushed off the door and sat across from his mother. He would need to approach her calmly if he wanted to gain her trust. Ravencroft needed to convince her how he wished for them to find forgiveness with one another. He knew his mother wanted her status to shine amongst the ton more than she wanted to go along with Lady L’s revenge. However, he must never underestimate her.
He focused his worried gaze on his mother. “The most important matter is that she is unharmed.”
“Yes. Yes,” she attempted to reassure him. “Lady L has moved her into my bedchamber, much to my discomfort. We have fed her, and she is well. No harm has come to her person.”
Ravencroft bit back his smile when his mother described how Lady L gave Noel her bedchamber. His mother may not have much, but she enjoyed her creature comforts wherever she traveled. He wanted to chuckle at how Noel might react to the lace surrounding her wherever she turned. So far, no harm had befallen her, but the longer she remained under Lady L’s hold, the more he questioned her safety.
“I can understand how your men would mistake Noel for Maggie. After all, Noel donned Maggie’s clothing in her attempt to pay me a visit. It was foolish of her to wander away from home, so do not be so hard on yourself. The important matter is how I can return Noel to her family.”
Lady Ravencroft’s head swished back and forth in tight control. “She will not allow you to.” She held up her hand for him not to interrupt her. “However, she will allow you to visit the girl to see she is well. Then, after you fulfill the terms of Lady L’s request, she will let the girl go free.”
This didn’t proceed how he imagined it would. His mother wasn’t so easily fooled. He must agree to Lady L’s terms until he could assess the situation more clearly. After he saw Noel and the layout of Lady Langdale’s hideout, he could devise a plan to rescue her.
For now, he must remain a pawn in Lady L’s game.