Ravencroft brushed off his hold. “I am off to find Worth. He told me of his plans for the evening, and I thought he would help us organize a search party.”

Lady Worthington sniffed. “A wonderful suggestion, Ravencroft. I can see why Noel loves you as she does. Your calmness during a crisis is an admirable trait.”

He retraced his steps and knelt to her level, gathering her hands in his. “I promise I will help bring Noel back to you.”

Lady Worthington squeezed his hands. “I have faith you will.”

Her faith in him humbled Ravencroft. The lady before him held the traits of how a mother should care for her children. Her generosity and ability to forgive made him want to prove how worthy he was for Noel. While everyone else doubted him, this woman gave her trust to him with an open heart, just as her daughter had. He may have his own nefarious reasons for finding Noel, but it didn’t lessen this woman’s faith any.

Before anyone questioned his motives, he left. He only hoped he didn’t miss his one opportunity to find where they hid Noel. Ravencroft rushed around to the servant’s entrance to see Ren running from the townhome. Rogers followed her, calling out her name in desperation to keep her there. But the sprite kept running. When Rogers spotted Ravencroft, he stopped and bent over to catch his breath. Ravencroft took off after her and stayed close enough so she would notice him. She looked over her shoulder and slowed down once she saw Rogers no longer followed her.

Ren turned the corner, and Ravencroft continued after her. However, when he reached the road, he found it empty. Damn. He’d lost her. He pounded his fist on the building he leaned against. Where did she go? Ren held the ability to lose anyone who followed her. Dracott had taught her how to stay aware of her surroundings and how to protect herself from danger. In his current state of frustration, Ravencroft was a danger Ren didn’t want to find herself tangled with.

Taunting laughter stirred the air. Ravencroft tensed, standing to attention. The laughter wasn’t a threat, but more of a taunt at his inadequate skill to best her.

“Where is she keeping her?”

She reversed his question on him. “Where is who keeping whom?”

Ravencroft fought to remain calm. It was always a battle of will between them, and he wouldn’t allow his frustration to bring about her victory. He needed to change tactics and focus on her vulnerability. “I am sorry for your loss.”

“Loss? It is not I who has lost anything but you.”

He didn’t reply to her taunt and continued with his. “It must be heartbreaking to see how he loves another so profoundly.”

“You never understood our friendship,” she hissed.

“Friendship? Mmm. Is that what you called it? And I thought you each cared more deeply than a simple friendship,” Ravencroft baited her.

Her silence meant that his comment unsettled her. He hadn’t watched their infatuation for years to misunderstand the connection. Hell. Dracott had secured the girl’s freedom with a promise to return to her. If their connection wasn’t because of love, what was it then? No. The chit hiding in the shadows must be heartbroken over his brother’s marriage to Maggie Worthington. Why else would she lead him on this merry chase without seeking her own revenge over having knowledge of Noel’s whereabouts?

Ravencroft attempted to persuade her to help him. “Ren, there is no need to make this difficult. Just lead me to Lady L’s hideout. I will wait for you to make yourself scarce before presenting myself.”

Only the silence continued. Ren had disappeared. He had pushed her too far, and he was still no closer to discovering Noel’s whereabouts. Once again, his jealousy over Dracott and Ren’s connection was his downfall. He leaned his head against the building and blew out a pent-up breath he didn’t realize he held. When would he ever learn?

Ravencroft walked back to the Worthingtons’ townhome. Since Rogers didn’t wait outside for his return, it meant he didn’t have any news to relay. Ren’s appearance was only to warn Rogers that Lady L held Noel prisoner so he could inform Dracott. He continued to his townhome to think of a plan. It was useless to find Worth because he held no clue where the gentleman had taken himself off to. He had only lied to the Worthingtons to make his own escape. It seemed he was only capable of deception.

Lies upon lies. They were the very reason he found himself in his current predicament.