Ravencroft walked tothe Worthington townhome along the back lane, savoring the smokey flavor of his cigar. Noel detested them, and he hoped that, by smoking one, it would keep her at a distance. His conscience had bothered him throughout the day on his behavior the evening before and his decision to pursue her with scandalous intentions. His conflicted thoughts had led him to write Noel a letter. A damn love letter at that. However, he had come to his senses before he sent it to her.

He refused to surrender now and must stand by the decision he made. His tantalizing thoughts of Noel spread out on his bed while he built her desires to the heights of ecstasy fueled his determination. He had underestimated her when he chose her for a bride. She wasn’t meek or mild by any standards. She was a fiery goddess who set his soul on fire. And he wanted to make her burn as he did.

Ravencroft leaned against the gate while he finished smoking. It would appear to most that he stalled before facing the Worthingtons. However, he only wanted to annoy them a bit with his insolence. Reese Worthington threw his power around and expected his family to obey his rules. At first, he had followed along so society would accept him back into their fold. However, he no longer cared if the patriarch cared for him or not since he had achieved what he set out to do.

They were in no position to deny him. If they did, then Noel would become a pariah, and just after their family regained their stellar reputation amongst the ton. The elder Worthington had made quite a reputation for himself as a degenerate louse who ran with a raucous crowd, one that included Ravencroft’s mother. His death had brought shame upon the family, along with empty purse strings. Very similar to Ravencroft’s own circumstances. However, Worthington had made a match with the Duke of Colebourne’s niece and found himself sitting quite nicely. Ravencroft was under the opinion it wouldn’t hurt the earl to repay in kind.

“One would think you are trying to irritate my brother with your delay,” Worth quipped.

Ravencroft smiled. He didn’t mind the younger brother. In fact, he quite enjoyed the time he spent playing cards or riding horses with Worth. The difference between the brothers shouldn’t surprise him. Hell, he and Dracott were as different as two brothers could be.

He dropped the cigar and smashed it with his boot. “Is it working?”

Worth slapped him on the back. “Yes. I applaud your achievement. Between you and Noel, he has worked himself into a frenzy today.”

Ravencroft frowned. “What has Noel done?”

Worth shrugged. “She has holed herself up in her bedchamber.”

“With the danger surrounding your family, none of you find that strange?”

“There are men guarding the house,” Worth explained.

“What makes you think she hasn’t snuck away?” Ravencroft asked.

“It is typical Noel fashion. She is upset Maggie married before her. Mama says to allow Noel her privacy, and she will return to her old self after your visit.”

Ravencroft nodded. However, Worth’s explanation didn’t settle his mind. It wasn’t like Noel to pout like a petulant child. But then again, after her visit, he had learned what a walking contradiction she was.

“Where are you off to?” Ravencroft asked.

Worth’s seriousness disappeared, and a grin lit his face. “I have it on excellent authority that a lady who I have taken an interest in will be at a private dinner party I plan to crash.”

Ravencroft chuckled. “Well, at least one of us will enjoy ourselves this evening.”

Worth nodded. “Good luck.”

“I will need it.” Ravencroft strolled through the garden to the open doors of the drawing room.

The ladies sat waiting for dinner while Worthington paced back and forth. He glared when Ravencroft entered, then focused his attention back on the hallway. The earl would make his return difficult. At least the ladies seem pleased with his appearance.

Lady Worthington rose. “How lovely of you to join us this evening, Gregory.”

He bowed. “It is my pleasure. On my way in, I spoke with Worth. He mentioned Lady Noel was not feeling well. I hope you can persuade her to enjoy dinner with us.”

“If not, I will drag her down myself,” Worthington growled.

Evelyn glided over to her husband and whispered to him, coaxing a smile to his lips. After a few more words, she turned toward them. “I will check on her. Mama, please inform Rogers there will be a slight delay in dinner.”

“All right, dear. Also, please tell Noel that Gregory has arrived.” Lady Worthington smiled over at him.

Ravencroft inwardly sighed in relief. From all standards, everyone appeared accepting of his return. Except for Worthington, whose glare stated he still held onto his disapproval. Did Noel hold the same feelings as her brother? Why else would she remain in her bedchamber?

An awkward silence settled over the room as they waited for Evelyn and Noel to join them. Ravencroft didn’t want to discuss the wedding since he hadn’t shown his support for his brother’s union to Maggie. In his misery, he had drunk his shame away after the Worthingtons learned of their secrets. However, it still lingered, clinging to him in dishonor. He was ashamed of his behavior and his dishonesty.

Eden offered him an encouraging smile, and he attempted one in return. However, the longer the silence stretched, the more he worried something was wrong with Noel. Was Evelyn having difficulty persuading Noel to come downstairs? If so, he would take his leave and attempt a visit tomorrow.

“Perhaps if I call tomorrow, Noel will join you for dinner,” Ravencroft suggested.