“I am afraid so. She will work nicely with my plans, but I fear she will ruin your plans to reenter society. I do not think Ravencroft will take kindly to his mother kidnapping his fiancée.” Lady L made a tsking noise.

Noel remained silent. Neither lady required her to talk, and she had nothing to say. It was not as if she had any leverage to demand her release. She would remain calm and wait for reinforcements. Before long, her family would discover her absence and begin their search. With the recent threats from Lady L, they would realize who was behind Noel’s disappearance.

“What if we let her go? She can explain to her family how she made her escape when her kidnappers left her unattended and how they never showed their faces to her,” Lady Ravencroft suggested.

With each comment from this lady, Noel found it difficult to remain stoic. She couldn’t believe this was Ravencroft’s mother and hoped he didn’t carry any of her traits. She had learned the evening before that her fiancé wasn’t who he had portrayed himself to be all these months. He had given a false impression of a gentleman when he was really a scoundrel with nefarious traits. The lady before her displayed her selfishness by only thinking of herself. Perhaps this was all a trick. She couldn’t be his mother. Because even with his scandalous behavior last night, Ravencroft’s primary objective was to protect her. This lady only protected herself. Also, she was Dracott’s mother, and from the time she spent in his company, Dracott had only displayed honorable intentions.

“If we release her, she will inform her brothers who held her. Also, Ravencroft will learn it was you who kidnapped her. My men didn’t steal her away, yours did. No. Unfortunately, we must keep her until I finish my special mission. When we leave London, we will return Lady Noel to her family. In the meantime, I shall have her moved into your quarters.” Lady L looked around the room in disgust. “This place is not suitable for a guest of Lady Noel’s esteem.”

“You cannot. Where will I sleep?” Lady Ravencroft protested.

Lady L spread her hands out. “Why, here, Lady Ravencroft. After all, it was your fault, so you must bear the unfortunate circumstances of your mistake.” Lady L moved to Noel and untied her restraint. “Come, Lady Noel. I will show you to more pleasant accommodations.”

Noel didn’t understand what to make of the dynamics before her. Lady Ravencroft stood in a bumbling mess with tears streaming down her face. What Noel found most strange was how she never argued with Lady L on her absurd notion.

Noel followed slowly, taking in every detail along the way. She wasn’t a fool. Lady L might move her into a more comfortable bedchamber, but the same treatment would befall her. They wouldn’t allow her free rein over the house. They would sequester her in a room, making her a prisoner until they achieved the level of chaos intended for her family and the ton.

Lady L swept into a room filled with frilly lace everywhere, from the pillowcases to the curtains hanging from the windows. When Noel stepped close to them, Lady L shook her head and shooed her away. “I am sorry,my lady. But you must stay clear from the windows.”

Noel cringed at the emphasis Lady Langdale placed on her status, but she obeyed for the moment and sat on a chair by the fireplace. She folded her hands in her lap and waited for the lady to proceed. Lady L had much to say, and she was more than eager to listen. Noel had made a mistake by not listening to Dracott’s story, but she wouldn’t make the same mistake twice.

Lady L sat across from Noel. “You are rather quiet. Are you not feeling your usual self? I only ask because from what I have observed, you are quite the chatterbox. Tittering on about this or that to anyone who would listen. You are not what I expected Ravencroft to settle with.”

Noel arched an eyebrow. Lady L’s comment held just the right innuendo for Noel to speak. “Why ever not? What type of lady did you imagine him settling with?”

Lady L pretended interest in her nails, but Noel noticed her smirk. “Someone with a little more flair. And passion. Someone whose fire kept him on his toes and chasing after her. No offense, my dear. You seem a little tame for a man whose passion runs deep. But then again, that is why men have mistresses. Who wants fire and passion in a marriage bed when you can have it with someone you owe no obligation to? It is less messy that way.”

Noel gulped. Lady L appeared confident about what Ravencroft needed. Before last night, Noel would have argued that Lady L was mistaken. However, Ravencroft’s behavior showed the truth of Lady L’s statement. “And how exactly are you aware of what Ravencroft requires?”

Lady L gave Noel a sympathetic smile before rising. “I will have a tray delivered to you. Please stay in your room. I have positioned my guards around the house, so an escape is impossible. For your safety, I must warn you not to attempt one. If you do, then I fear the harm that may befall you. Enjoy your stay, my lady.”

Lady L glided out of the room, closing the door softly behind her. She left without answering Noel’s question, which left Noel to wonder how intimate Ravencroft had been with Lady L and if they still were.

Noel had never imagined when she snuck away how awakened she would become.

Chapter Five