“She looks older than I thought she was. The Worthington ladies must not age well,” Lady Ravencroft stated.

Her observation brought forth another bout of laughter from the other girl. Noel fought to keep her face still when she actually wanted to pinch her lips together in displeasure. How dare she insult the ladies in Noel’s family? She was a horrid woman.

“You still don’t see your mistake, do you?” the younger girl asked.

“And what mistake might that be?”

“I too am curious about what mistake Lady Ravencroft has made.” Another voice spoke from the doorway. “More importantly, what do we have here?”

Lady Ravencroft beamed with pride over her surprise. “My men have brought you Dracott’s bride.”

“Mmm, have they?”

Noel listened to the new arrival murmur who she guessed to be the infamous Lady Langdale. After one glance, the lady knew who Noel was. However, Ravencroft’s mother still hadn’t realized her mistake. She kept twittering along about how they had captured her.

“She was just standing outside their gate.”

“And you found nothing strange about her dressed as a boy on her wedding night, outside alone?” Lady L asked.

Lady Ravencroft’s hands fluttered in the air. “I figured it was some game she played with Dracott.” She nodded over at the other girl. “You know how his tastes run.”

Noel heard a chair clatter to the floor and a shriek. Her eyes flew open to witness the young girl advancing on Lady Ravencroft with her arm pulled back and her hand tightened into a fist. Lady Ravencroft cowered in the corner with her hands pulled over her face. However, before the girl took another step, she dropped her hand and shook her head in disgust. Then she turned to leave.

“Stop,” Lady L demanded. “Were you a part of this?”

The girl scoffed. “No. I only wanted to watch once she realized the error of her goons.”

“Yes. She has made a grave error. But I am sure our guest will understand that it was nothing personal.” Lady L turned to face Noel. “Won’t you, my dear?”

Noel refused to answer. Instead, she sat up to the best of her ability and tilted her chin as if they were subjects below her regard, which only drew laughter from Lady L and the young girl.

“Yes. She is most definitely a Worthington and shares the same haughty attitude as her brother. Even though she is the wrong sister, she will do,” Lady L commented.

Lady Ravencroft’s face pinched in confusion. “But I brought you the one who wears breeches. This is Maggie.”

“I have no clue as to why the lady dressed as she has. But she is not Maggie Worthington. Maggie and Dracott are at Mivart’s, enjoying their wedding stay,” Lady L disagreed.

“Then she must be a servant. I will have the men get rid of her body.” Lady Ravencroft wiped her hands together.

Lady L sighed with exasperation. “Did you not hear what I said? She is not a mere servant but one of Worthington’s sisters. She will do nicely. For my sake anyway. Unfortunately for you, not so much.”

The young girl chuckled. “She still does not realize who she has captured. One must laugh at the absurdity of the situation, even as despicable as it may be.”

“That is enough. I will take care of Lady Ravencroft’s mistake. You are to change your clothes. I have laid out a dress for you to wear for this evening’s entertainment.” She pointed at the door for the girl to leave.

“I am not playing dress-up.” The girl stomped her foot.

“Yes, you will. A little birdie told me this afternoon about how one of my marks has become enamored with you. He saw you at the theatre and has searched for you relentlessly. However, he has found no luck with finding you. Your job this evening is to give him another peek and lead him astray. You are the perfect distraction for him.” Lady L’s devious smile matched the vindictiveness in her eyes.

The girl glanced at Noel with unease but looked away quickly. Why did the girl hold guilt over Lady L’s order? Who was the gentleman interested in her? Did it make the girl uncomfortable? Why did her look hold desperation? Why was this girl involved with Lady L’s gang? Instead of gaining answers to her dilemma, she only had more questions that plagued her.

“Now!” Lady L hissed.

The young girl growled her frustration. Noel expected her to throw a tantrum, but she didn’t. Instead, she walked out the door, throwing over her shoulder, “Welcome to our humble home, Lady Noel Worthington.”

Lady Ravencroft gasped at the astonishing reveal as the girl’s laughter echoed behind her. Noel’s gaze shifted to Ravencroft’s mother to watch her eyes widen and her face turn pale. Lady Ravencroft’s gaze flew back and forth between Lady L and Noel as the impact of her mistake hit her. The consequences she faced would be insurmountable.

“No. No. No,” Lady Ravencroft cried, shaking her head back and forth.