Chapter One

Noel Worthington feltthe first crack of her face breaking into a hundred tiny pieces when she smiled serenely at another well-wisher. With each smile, the dreaded emotion of sorrow stabbed her in the heart. She fought back a fresh wave of tears that hovered behind her eyelids, ready to drop at a moment’s notice. She wished to steal away to her bedchamber. However, she refused to abandon her sister during her blush of happiness.

Even when it should have been hers.

Her younger sister had married before her and with undo haste. It had set the gossip mill swapping rumors on the reason for Maggie’s wedding—and to a gentleman few had heard of, no less. The rumors floated from one ear to the next, because it should have been Noel’s wedding to Lord Ravencroft they attended. However, her intended had disappeared, abandoning her to the masses and with not a single explanation as to why.

Oh, the obvious deception of his involvement with Lady Langdale and her threat to destroy Noel’s family was enough to cause her brother Reese to withdraw his support of their engagement. However, Reese had never withdrawn his support. He was furious with how the circumstances had played out, but he wanted to keep Ravencroft close. So he had agreed they could still marry. After all, Ravencroft was Maggie’s new husband’s half-brother.

Noel refused to listen to the story of how the gentlemen had infiltrated themselves into their family. She didn’t want to believe the bond they held was false. Noel’s heart had already committed itself to a lifetime of loving Gregory Ravencroft.

However, the proof of his deception proved true with each passing day he remained absent. Why did he stay away? Did he not love her as he had declared? If so, he would’ve arrived for the wedding. The longer he stayed away, the more difficult it would be for him to admit to his wrongdoings, and her love would slowly wither away.

Noel watched Maggie and her husband, Crispin Dracott, dance to a waltz across the ballroom floor. The love shining from her sister’s eyes helped warm the cold seeping into Noel’s heart. When the corner of her lips lifted this time, it was genuine. Her only shining happiness was for her sister. Dracott was the perfect match for Maggie. He complemented her curious sense of adventure with a patience none of them had been able to achieve.

With one last glance at the happy couple, Noel moved to stand behind a set of columns. She needed a moment to herself from all the glances of pity. As much as she longed to retire to her bedchamber, she wouldn’t ruin Maggie’s day with her sadness. She wished Ravencroft were here, not only to ease the burden of the meddlesome questions but to hold her hand while she shared in the joy with their family and friends. Instead, loneliness wrapped her in a cloak of despair.

“Why in the hell did he not show?” Reese growled.

“Dracott said it was for the best he stayed away,” Graham explained.

Graham was Noel’s other brother who owned a detective agency that Dracott worked for. It was how Dracott had become acquainted with their family. Graham had assigned Dracott to watch over Maggie at the functions they attended because their sister had the dreadful habit of wandering where she shouldn’t. He had faked a title to deceive their family. But Noel held no ill feelings for him because of the love he held for Maggie.

Reese continued with his irritation for the missing lord. “Best for whom? Himself? I thought he cared for Noel, but his actions have proven otherwise.”

“He is in a drunken stupor. His presence today would’ve given more room for gossip. Not to mention the effect it would have on Noel,” Graham stated.

“Can you not see the effect it is having on Noel already?” Reese asked.

Noel pressed closer to the columns to overhear her brothers’ conversation. As usual, Graham was oblivious to how Ravencroft’s behavior affected her. And Reese was only aware because his wife, Evelyn, had confided in him. She shook her head at the misguided way her brothers regarded her feelings, but at least they cared. It was more than some people had. Ravencroft’s actions were proof of that.

Graham appeared confused. “She seems well. I have seen her smiling and visiting with the guests all day.”

Reese glared at Graham. “Only because our mother has instilled in her how to keep up appearances. Stare into her eyes and you will see the sadness deep within. Our dear sister holds herself together with dignity but is falling apart inside.”

Any other time, Noel would smirk at her brother’s insight into her emotions. But he hit too close to the target for her to find humor in his words. Perhaps she sold Reese short on the attention he paid her. She understood Graham’s distraction. Usually, he was the first one to tease a smile onto her face, but now he faced tremendous pressure to secure the capture of Lady Langdale and her thievery ring. Now, with the risk placed on their family, it only added to his drive to destroy Lady Langdale.