Chapter Three

Maggie slipped back inside undetected. However, before she located her family, familiar hands drew her onto the ballroom floor amongst the other dancers. She wanted to question Lord Dracott about his intention, but she grew light-headed when he twirled her around in a circle. Not from the dance, but from his touch. She thought she had outwitted him, but he seemed to attack her senses from all angles with each twist and turn of the dance. Once the music ended, he bowed, and she followed his lead with a curtsy. Then he held out his arm for her to take.

“Follow my lead if you wish to keep your family’s questions at bay,” Dracott muttered near her ear.

Maggie nodded. “I thought . . .”

Dracott gave her an arrogant smile. “Your first mistake.”

Maggie lifted her eyebrows. “And my second?”

He chuckled. “Ahh, a mistake I will not reveal to keep you at a disadvantage.”

Before Maggie responded, Dracott escorted her back to the bosom of her family. Noel stood gazing at Lord Ravencroft adoringly. Her mother and Graham appeared deep in conversation, and Eden arched her eyebrow at Maggie’s companion. Once her mother saw her, she stopped talking and glanced around to see if anyone paid them any attention.

“Where have you been?” Lady Worthington hissed.

“I told you, Mama, Maggie retired to the refreshment room for a spell,” Eden interrupted.

“It appears Lord Dracott and Maggie were sharing a dance.” Worth slapped Dracott on the back. “Wherever you found her, thank you for returning her safely,” he whispered in Dracott’s ear, his relief more than clear.

“I apologize for any misunderstanding. I noticed Lady Margaret looking for her family, and since it was time for our dance she agreed to, I saw no harm in joining the set,” Dracott explained.

“Hmph.” Lady Worthington narrowed her gaze on the couple. Her daughter still clutched the lord’s arm.

Lady Worthington wasn’t blind to how her daughter’s eyes danced with stars, nor the favored glances Lord Dracott paid her daughter. If it weren’t for Graham’s praise for his new assistant, she would worry. Lord Dracott had done nothing to prove himself otherwise. He worked tirelessly with Graham to bring justice to victimized individuals, so she held nothing but the utmost respect for the gentleman. However, she wished for Maggie to enjoy her first season and not fall for the first gentleman who paid her attention. She cleared her throat, staring at Maggie’s hand resting on Lord Dracott’s sleeve.

Lord Dracott, too captivated by Maggie’s spell, still held onto her hand. Lady Worthington’s subtle message finally caught his attention. He released Maggie’s arm and stepped off to the side. “Thank you for the dance, Lady Margaret.”

Maggie frowned at the loss of Lord Dracott’s touch but realized her family stared at her differently with their own queries of interest. “It was my pleasure, Lord Dracott.”

“Oh, Lord Dracott, I am happy you have attended this ball,” Noel gushed. “I have been singing your praises to my fiancé about how much you have helped Graham this past year and now you two can meet. Allow me to introduce you to Lord Ravencroft.”

Dracott hoped his expression and Ravencroft’s remained impartial after the introduction. Although he knew the gentleman Lady Noel was engaged to, he never thought they would cross paths this soon. While he feared he would give himself away, he worried Ravencroft wouldn’t be able to control his fury at Dracott’s arrival in London. When Ravencroft never contacted him, he had made a rash decision to infiltrate the investigation himself instead of waiting for Ravenscroft’s word of a safe return.

“Lord Dracott, I have heard nothing but praise for your insightful investigative skills.” Lord Ravencroft shook Dracott’s hand, applying enough pressure to make him grimace.

Dracott returned the rough handshake, applying his own pressure. “Thank you. And may I offer my congratulations on your upcoming nuptials? You must be very proud to make such a conquest, Lord Ravencroft.”

“I am but a humble servant to my adoring bride-to-be.” Ravencroft lifted Noel’s hand and placed a kiss across her knuckles.

Dracott plastered on a smile and turned toward the rest of the Worthington family. “Ladies. Gentlemen. I hope you enjoy the rest of your evening.”

They each expressed their sentiments, and Dracott left their side. He walked through the ballroom, blending in with the crowd. Once again he encased himself in the shadows to guard the one lady who made him lose all common sense. He hoped he had convinced Worth and Lady Worthington of their absence. If not, then he would have to find a new position.

Eden smirked. “He is most handsome.”

“Mmm, yes,” Maggie murmured as she watched Dracott stroll away.

“Or, as Noel would describe, most divine,” Eden teased.

“Mmm, yes,” Maggie repeated.

“Oh, dear. It is as I feared.” Eden snapped her fingers in front of Maggie’s face.

Maggie startled out of her daze. “What do you fear?”

Eden’s smile held a secret she wasn’t ready to reveal. “Nothing, my dear. How was your dance with Lord Dracott?”