Rogers arched an eyebrow. “Off to see Lord Dracott, are you?”

Her eyes widened in shock, and she nodded her head up and down.

Rogers regarded her with a shrewd gaze for an agonizing length of time before he shook his head. He took off, staying along the darkened path. When she didn’t follow, he paused and turned back to her. “Hurry along.” And he started off again.

After coming out of her shocked stupor, she no longer hesitated and caught up with Rogers. They walked for a while before Maggie attempted to understand the reason he offered to help. “Why are you helping me?”

“Do you not wish to spend some time alone with the young gentleman?”

“Very much so,” Maggie whispered. “But it does not explain why you stayed silent about me sneaking out with Mama and Reese.”

“It is my job to keep you safe. If I don’t assist you, then you will find another way to visit Lord Dracott. One that would place you in danger,” Rogers explained.

“Reese will end your employment,” Maggie warned.

Rogers chuckled. “Rest assured, my lady, my position is safe.”

Maggie pinched her lips. She didn’t wish to argue with Rogers since he was helping her, but once her brother learned of this incident, they would both incur Reese’s wrath.

Maggie made another attempt to understand this peculiar circumstance. “I suppose my actions do not bode well on my standing as a lady.”

Rogers stopped them in their tracks. “Understand this, miss. In no way does this alter my opinion of you. You are a rare lady who approaches life differently from most, but it doesn’t make you any less worthy. Lord Dracott is an upstanding gentleman and he will do right with you. That is my belief and nothing will change it. Do I make myself clear?”


He nodded, and they continued on until they reached a disheveled building. Boards covered the missing windows, and it appeared as if part of the roof was caved in. Crispin couldn’t possibly live here.

“Where are we?” Maggie asked.

“His room is on the third floor, second door on the left,” Rogers stated.

“But . . .”

“He works diligently for what he has. You must understand and accept Lord Dracott for the gentleman he is, not for what he doesn’t have.”

Maggie glanced back at the building. She had assumed since he was a viscount that he enjoyed the same privileges as her. It only went to show her how naïve and spoiled she was. Her family protected her from the harsh realities of life, and it gave her a sense of insecurity.

She came to visit Crispin for the selfish reason of her own pleasure. But now, she wanted to give Crispin the pleasure. She wanted to learn every facet of his character and what inspired him to act the gentleman he was today. After this evening, she would take nothing for granted again. Even the emotions Crispin stirred in her. She would leave him in no doubt of what she wished for them.

“You are not too bad yourself, Rogers.”

Rogers chuckled. “Thank you, my lady. However, your time with Lord Dracott is slipping away if you are to return home before everyone awakens. I will continue to follow you until you enter his room. Do not leave this building unless Lord Dracott or I accompany you. Do you understand? There is danger lurking around every corner in this part of London.”

Maggie nodded. She swiped her hands along the trousers she wore and then pulled the coat hiding her chest closer around her. She had worn a cap to hide her hair, hoping people would mistake her for a lad.

Once they reached Dracott’s floor, Rogers nodded for her to proceed and signaled how he would wait in the dark corner. She took a deep breath and then tapped her knuckles against the weathered door. Her eyes darted everywhere, and her body twitched in fright at every little noise. When Crispin didn’t answer, she knocked harder. Fear settled over her, urging her to leave. She was on the verge of running down the stairs when his door opened.

Although he only cracked the door, it settled Maggie’s nerves. And the stormy expression in Crispin’s gaze set her soul on fire. He didn’t give her a chance to explain her arrival but wrapped his hand around her arm and dragged her through the door, slamming it shut behind them.

He pressed her against the door with a fierceness that should frighten her, but instead it heightened her arousal. With a swift tug, he flung the hat off her head, and her hair fell around her shoulders. A low growl vibrated from his chest, declaring every emotion pouring from his gaze.
