He gulped. “Lord Worthington left instructions that Lord Dracott was not welcome unless he was present.”

Evelyn shook her head at Reese’s interference. “I hope Lord Dracott did not make a fuss at your refusal.” She sent a wink in Maggie’s direction.

Maggie frowned, not understanding what Evelyn was playing at.

“No, my lady. He stated how he respected the order and would abide by Lord Worthington’s instructions. He only asked that I deliver his offerings,” Rogers explained.

“Why did you not refuse them?” Evelyn asked.

“Because Lord Worthington never mentioned how I should proceed if Lord Dracott delivered anything. He only ordered what I was to say to the gentleman when he arrived.”

Mama chuckled at the servant’s defiance. “How very clever of you, Rogers.”

Rogers bowed. “Thank you, my lady.”

Rogers winked at Maggie when he walked out of the parlor. She smiled her gratitude. It pleased her how many people worked to help her achieve her happiness.

“Well, it would appear Graham is keeping Lord Dracott occupied with a task. However, a gentleman needs to eat, does he not?” Mama asked Maggie, and Maggie nodded. “Excellent. I shall send word to Graham to bring Lord Dracott to dinner since we are dining in this evening. It will give you a chance to spend time with Lord Dracott and for us to extend our gratitude for his gallant act last night. Also, we owe him an apology for our harsh treatment.”

Maggie rushed over to her mother and knelt at her feet. “Thank you, Mama.”

Lady Worthington brushed a hand over her daughter’s hair and smiled fondly at her. “I only wish the very best for you, my dear.”

Maggie stayed curled at her mother’s feet, while the ladies enjoyed the box of chocolates Lord Dracott had sent them. They teased Eden of Lord Finkelstein’s infatuation, and Mama shared stories of her own season. Evelyn and Noel commented on what Maggie should wear for dinner. The entire time, Mama enjoyed the warm atmosphere. Evelyn had been a wonderful addition to their family, and Ravencroft seemed to fit Noel’s flightiness. It was only fair for her to open her arms to Dracott. She didn’t know his story but wished to learn about him to make her daughter happy.

After all, she only wanted happiness for all of her children.