“A lot good that did. You placed me in the same village with another enemy. An enemy who was tired of running from Lady L. So I became a sacrifice. A trade to secure one enemy’s immunity for another.”

Anguish settled over Dracott at the position he had placed his friend in. Ren didn’t need to mention who the enemy was for him to know the villain’s identity. “My mother has made her return,” Dracott guessed.


His mother hated the bond Dracott shared with Ren. She used her manipulations to keep them apart, only to fail at every opportunity. And he had delivered Ren to his mother’s doorstep with his abandonment. Now Ren must confirm his identity to survive. He felt the rush of wind attempting to knock him off the ledge increasing.


He waited for a reply, but none was forthcoming. While he tried to come to terms with his betrayal, his friend had left. Now he must figure out how not to become trapped with Lady L’s latest heist. Ren would confirm his identity to avoid the henchman’s torture. Before long, the witch would summon him to her lair.

He held too many cards in his hand this time around. His conscience battled with him to come clean, but his instincts told him to play his cards close to his chest and only trust those who wouldn’t betray him. It wasn’t as if he didn’t trust Worth and Ralston, but he didn’t want to jeopardize their safety and those of their families. They were already at risk, as it was.

Dracott was pulled in too many directions to count. He worried Maggie doubted him and he wanted to reassure her. Worth wanted him to trail a lady Dracott could never reveal the truth about. Worth and Ralston both expected him to help bring Lady L to justice. Lord Worthington suspected he held ulterior motives toward Maggie and watched his every move. Maggie’s mother disapproved of his behavior from the evening before and now treated him with hostility.

Also, he must learn of the secrets Ravencroft kept from him. And now with Ren’s return, he would worry over the abuse his friend would suffer from because of Dracott’s foolish attempts at securing their freedom.

Which left him to deal with the matter of his mother. He should’ve known she was involved again. How else could Lady L return to town undetected?

What course of action should he take?


MAGGIE KEPT WATCHING the door for Rogers to announce any visitors. But the door stayed closed. Mama and Evelyn had sat for the past hour with their heads bent together, whispering between themselves. From their covert glances, she knew they discussed Dracott. She hadn’t thanked Evelyn for covering for her, but she thought Evelyn supported Lord Dracott’s courtship, even though Reese was reconsidering and Mama agreed with him. However, Evelyn continued to make fine points toward Dracott’s character and Mama appeared to relent.

But did Maggie want her to? She had doubted Dracott herself when he never responded to her comment. Then he had abruptly left during the second act without paying his respects, an action that had infuriated Reese and injured her pride. Of course, Graham had made excuses for the hasty retreat, which left Maggie to wonder if Graham had threatened Dracott.

Maggie sat forward in her chair with indecision. Did she pass judgement too swiftly when his actions might’ve been out of his control? She knew how overprotective her family was with her. While she sat with a bruised ego, Crispin could be out of employment. Which left her to wonder why he worked for Graham. He was a viscount who dressed in fine clothing, not in the state of a penniless peer.

Maggie ran her hands through her hair in frustration. She held so many questions but didn’t know who she could trust to give her the correct answers. Every time she made an excuse for him, another question arose. She was more confused than ever. She needed to find Crispin. Perhaps if she confronted him with her doubts, he would help ease her conflicted thoughts.

But how was she supposed to find herself alone with him? Her mother watched her like a hawk. If not her mother, then Reese occupied her time by tempting her with visits to Tattersalls or rides through Hyde Park. They already taken a ride early this morning, and before he left for his appointments, Reese had promised Maggie another ride upon his return.

“Your eagerness will only increase Mama’s negative opinion of the poor bloke,” Eden murmured, sitting in the chair next to Maggie.

Maggie whipped her head to the side. She didn’t realize her sister had sat down next to her. She straightened in the chair and flipped the page in her book. “I have no clue what you are implying.”

Eden chuckled low enough so as not to draw their mother’s attention. “You are fidgeting more than usual.”

Maggie continued with her denial. “I only wish to sit upon a horse, not stuck in this dress, waiting for Mama’s next direction. ‘Tis all.”

“Balderdash. Confess, little sister. What has you tied in knots? Is it Lord Dracott?”

Maggie sighed. Since Eden had helped Evelyn cover for her disappearance last night, then perhaps her sister could help her see reason. “Why has he not shown? Did he leave early last night because Graham threatened him? Is he sincere in his attention or am I only a distraction? Why is Mama changing her mind about Crispin’s character?”

Eden smirked her enjoyment at Maggie’s frazzled reaction. “Perhaps because our brother has left explicit instructions with Rogers not to allow him entry.”

Maggie narrowed her gaze. “He wouldn’t.”

Eden nodded that he indeed would.

“That explains the sudden invitation to take me to Tattersalls. He has avoided letting me accompany him all season because of Mama’s insistence on how a proper lady shouldn’t be seen examining horseflesh. Now he offers to take me on the morrow.”

“I overheard him talking to Mama. He hopes he can offer you enough distractions to entertain you so that you will forget your infatuation with Dracott.”

Maggie’s look held exasperation at her family’s attitude toward her feelings for Dracott. “’Tis not an infatuation.”

Eden quirked an eyebrow. “What is it then? Do you love him?”