Chapter Five

Maggie paced along the hallway, pausing at Reese’s study whenever she passed by. Lord Dracott had arrived over two hours ago and requested an audience. She had grown nervous when Reese and Dracott didn’t join them for breakfast. Graham had taken pity on her and offered to find out what they discussed. However, Graham had never returned to inform her of the reason for Dracott’s visit. Instead, he remained with them in the study, leading to Maggie pacing back and forth with her impatience. She pressed her ear to the door, hoping to hear what they discussed, but only silence met her.

“Tsk, tsk. Resorting to eavesdropping, are you?” Eden asked.

Maggie glared at her sister’s amusement. “How else am I to learn what Lord Dracott wants with Reese?”

“Considering your rendezvous with him last night, it is more than obvious,” Eden quipped.

Maggie’s eyes widened. “You do not think he is asking for my hand in marriage, do you?”

Eden laughed at her sister’s innocence. “No, dear sister. It is my belief that he is asking Reese for permission to court you. While it wasn’t wise of Lord Dracott to spend time alone with you last night, he is clever enough not to show his hand with our brothers. The gentleman values his life.”

Maggie blushed. “Nothing untoward happened.”

Eden narrowed her gaze. “Mmm. I may not have much experience, but I can recognize when a lady has been thoroughly kissed.”

Maggie quirked an eyebrow at her sister’s slip. “Much?”

The door to the study opened, and the gentlemen stepped into the hallway. Their appearance saved Eden from explaining how much experience she actually had. Maggie took a step forward, only to step back at Reese’s frown over her enthusiasm.

Graham clapped Dracott’s shoulder. “I told you she was outside, waiting to hear what we discussed.”

Maggie shot daggers at Graham for drawing attention toward her. “Nonsense. I only sat with Eden while she waited to talk with Reese.”

“Yes. Maggie has kept me company,” Eden lied.

Reese glanced back and forth between his sisters. Their telling signs showed how they both fibbed. Maggie twirled her hair around her finger, and Eden bit at her bottom lip. He wanted to shake his head at them, but he didn’t want Dracott to know how to detect their flaws. He still hadn’t decided his opinion of the gentleman yet to give him any additional weapons to use against his family.

Reese had hesitated when the lord requested an audience and asked to court Maggie. But he noticed how his youngest sister acted differently around Dracott. She kept her wildness contained and appeared concerned with his opinion of her. While he wanted no gentleman to rein in Maggie’s uniqueness, it gave him proof that Dracott held a positive influence over his sister.

He also took into account his wife’s belief and his brother’s opinion of Lord Dracott. Evelyn thought he was a fine gentleman, and Graham held his assistant in high praise. Still, something didn’t sit well with him about the lord and he couldn’t figure it out. So, against his better judgment, he agreed to the courtship. He would oversee Dracott’s visits and how he acted with Maggie at social functions before he gave his seal of approval.

Since his father had passed, it fell on his shoulders to find suitable spouses for his siblings. His father would’ve only accepted suitors for what he would’ve gained from their financial wealth. However, he differed. He wanted them to find the love of a soul mate like he had with Evelyn. No other match would do.

“Maggie, Lord Dracott has sought permission to pay court on your behalf. Are you amenable to this?” Reese questioned.

“Reese!” Graham bellowed. “Show a little more finesse.”

Eden laughed. “Oh, my. Sorry, Maggie, but I cannot remain. Good luck, Dracott.”

After Eden took a few steps away, Reese stopped her. “I thought you wanted a word, dear sister.”

Eden looked over her shoulder. “It can wait.” She sauntered away before Reese questioned her any further.

Maggie and Dracott stared at each other. They held their own private conversation without speaking a word. His intense regard made it clear to Maggie that he would’ve pursued her without her brother’s permission. After the kiss they shared last night, Dracott would’ve been relentless in his pursuit, and she would’ve enjoyed it to the fullest. Dracott gave her a rush she never experienced with just his presence alone. She didn’t know if she could survive the full assault, but she wanted to try.

When Maggie gifted him with a secretive smile while her siblings bantered with each other, he knew she approved of his request. Oh, how he wanted to devour her kissable lips. She stood before him with an innocent expression. However, she was a tempting minx. One didn’t kiss as Maggie Worthington had to be anything but one. She might be inexperienced, but she held the natural ability to bring a man to his knees with her smile alone. She was like nothing he had ever experienced before. And he had a lot of experience with devious ladies. However, they paled in comparison to Maggie. He held not a clue on how her mind worked, but he was more than willing to learn every facet he could.

“Would you care to accompany me on a walk tomorrow morning before I start my workday?” Dracott asked.

“Yes. I would enjoy that,” Maggie answered.

Dracott nodded, then turned to leave. He didn’t have a reason to stay. Worthington had already given his permission, and Maggie had answered his invitation. He wanted to spend every available second with her, but he must control his needs. As much as he wanted to learn everything about Maggie, he needed to complete his mission. Because above all, he must protect his identity and that of his brother.

Maggie watched Dracott leave. He cut a fine figure indeed. As Noel would say, most divine. Maggie should’ve moaned at how she sounded like her nitwit of a sister, but she chuckled instead. This must be what her sister described as smitten. She never believed she would ever feel this way about another soul, which only proved miracles happened, after all.

“Where did Dracott take himself off to?” Graham asked.