Maggie sagged in relief at the sound of Dracott’s soothing voice. She wanted to point out Ravencroft and the lady wearing a cloak, but they had disappeared. Dracott dropped his hand, and Maggie stepped away from her hiding spot. She turned in a circle, searching the darkness for them, but there was no movement anywhere.

“Where did they go?”

“Who?” Dracott asked. “What are you doing alone in the dark woods?”

Maggie walked to the spot where Ravencroft had stood arguing with the lady. Besides the grass flattened from their footprints, there was no other sign of their meeting. Yet she knew they had been there.

“Ravencroft met with a lady in this very spot.”

“Are you sure it was a woman?” Dracott questioned.

“Yes. I saw her long hair when the hood fell off her cloak. She also laughed. But I am not sure if you would call it a laugh. It was more of a witch’s cackle,” Maggie explained.

Dracott’s lips twitched. “A witch’s cackle. That sounds a bit dramatic.”

Maggie stomped her foot. “I am not being dramatic. I know what I saw. Ravencroft stood in this very spot with another lady. It is proof the gentleman cannot be trusted.”

Dracott needed to assure Maggie he believed her but still distract her from pursuing this any further. There was only one woman Ravencroft would risk his livelihood to meet in the darkness, where anyone could come upon them. Lady Langdale. She loved to live on the edge and push the boundaries of getting caught. She found pleasure in her status as the most wanted criminal in all of England and laughed over how uncatchable she was. Lady L thought she was invincible.

Her meeting with Ravencroft this evening meant she wanted to proceed with her greatest heist yet, one that would cripple society’s security. It would leave them fearing for their fortunes. When the Duke of Colebourne and Lord Worthington exiled her six years ago, she had only grown her force to the likes they held no clue about.

He didn’t want Maggie in her cross fire. Lady L would destroy Maggie with her wits alone. He must protect Maggie at all costs. Even if it meant he no longer stood in the shadows hiding his interest. He must state his intentions. It was the only way to keep her safe.

Dracott stepped closer to Maggie and urged her to return to the ball. “I believe you, but this isn’t the place for this discussion. Let me return you to your family and tomorrow I shall call on you. I will seek Lord Worthington’s permission for us to take a walk in the park. Are you agreeable to this?”

Maggie peered at him. “Are you serious about your intentions?”

“I am.”

Maggie noted the honesty in Dracott’s eyes and nodded her acceptance. “I will agree on one condition.”

Dracott nodded for Maggie to continue.

“What is your reason for wandering out here?” Maggie asked.

Dracott had a dozen different excuses on the tip of his tongue to answer Maggie. But he had learned early in the years he spent deceiving people that it was best to stick as close to the truth as one could. Then one had fewer lies to keep track of. Not that he wanted to deceive Maggie. His betrayal was for her protection.

“I followed you.”

Maggie folded her arms across her chest. “Why?”

Dracott cleared his throat. “In hopes to spend time alone with you.”

Maggie’s eyes widened. “Oh.”

The darkness surrounding them and Maggie’s innocent expression led Dracott to step but a breath away from her. All he wanted was to sample a taste of her sweetness. Lady Eden’s taunt from earlier played a part in his recklessness. He never could resist a dare in the face of danger. And Margaret Worthington’s innocence was the worst danger he could involve himself in.

He tucked a stray curl behind Maggie’s ear. “I wonder if you wish for the same. Do you?”

Dracott’s intense gaze rattled her senses. It was as if he read her every thought. Which was nonsense. Was it not? She had waited throughout the evening for him to request a dance. But he never had, but she had sensed him watching her from afar. Maggie nodded before she realized she should’ve kept her interest to herself.

A wicked smile spread across Dracott’s lips. “I am pleased you hold the same feelings.”

Maggie gulped. “You are?”

Dracott leaned closer and whispered in Maggie’s ear, “I am, my dear. More than you can possibly imagine.”

“How so?” Maggie whispered.