Crispin leaned over and brushed his lips against Maggie’s in a chaste kiss. When she gave him a secretive smile, he chuckled. The minx would keep their life exciting and never dull. Soon, Maggie’s family pulled her into their hugs. Rogers placed his hand on his shoulder in a gesture of affection. He never spoke during their meeting, but they knew the Worthington gentlemen would address him once the ladies left the study.

Graham shook his hand. “Welcome to the family. Do not worry, Reese will come around.”

Dracott nodded. However, he was unsure if the earl would ever forgive him. Only time would tell. He was the only one who didn’t offer his congratulations. But it didn’t seem to bother Maggie any. She laughed with her sister and Evelyn while her mother watched on.

“Crispin, you will stay with us while you recover and until the wedding. After you and Maggie wed, you may decide if you wish to stay or rent a place of your own. Rogers will send a footman to collect your belongings. Maggie, why do we not leave the gentlemen to finish their business? You can help Evelyn choose a bedchamber for your groom.”

Lady Worthington never gave him a chance to refuse her offer. She swept out of the study, calling for the ladies to follow her. Maggie blew him a kiss over her shoulder, happy to accommodate her mother’s request. Evelyn spoke a few quiet words to her husband, while Eden spoke to Graham.

After the ladies left, Worthington moved behind his desk to display his authority. Worth moved to stand next to him, and Worthington pointed at the chairs in front of the desk for them to sit.

“I will make this quick, Dracott. I will respect my mother’s and sister’s wishes. However, until I see you are no longer a threat to this family, I will keep my eye on you. You will remain under this roof until that day. Are we in agreement?” Worthington demanded.

Dracott sat up straight in his seat and met Worthington’s stare. “Yes. I understand how I need to earn your trust. Also, it is best for Maggie to remain under your protection until we catch Lady Langdale. That goes for every lady in this household. You will need Kincaid’s men for protection. My advice is not to alarm the ladies until it is necessary. However, you must make them understand there is an element of danger lurking at your door.”

“Sound advice, Dracott,” Worth said.

Worthington steepled his fingers together. “We will finish this discussion tomorrow once Ralston and Kincaid are present. However, for now, I will address your involvement, Rogers. How did you end up as my butler? It is no coincidence.”

Rogers nodded. “No, it is not. But you must seek your explanation elsewhere. When this day came forth, I was to inform you of the gentleman’s name you must speak with for your answers.”

Worthington arched an eyebrow. “And who might that be?”

Rogers winced. “Colebourne.”

Rogers was met with a deadly stare. Dracott shifted in his seat in fear for his uncle’s safety at the fury in Worthington’s eyes. However, Rogers’s answer only seemed to amuse Worth.

“Not you too?” Worth chuckled.

“I am afraid so, sir,” Rogers answered.

“I am confused,” Dracott stated.

“My wife’s uncle has acquired an assortment of people who owe him debts. And he collects those debts by making them perform his biddings,” Worthington explained.

Dracott didn’t understand how Rogers’s employment in Worthington’s household, attained years ago, played a part in the dilemma before them now. But he had a hunch he would learn how far Colebourne intertwined himself in their investigation after he married Maggie.

“You may go, Rogers. I am finished with you,” Worthington ordered.

“Are you dismissing me?” Rogers asked.

“No. Colebourne placed you here for a reason, and until you no longer suit his purpose, you will remain. However, my sentiments toward Dracott are the same for you.”

Rogers bowed. “Understandable, my lord. Thank you.”

Once Rogers left, Worthington pointed to the bottle of whiskey and glasses. “Make yourself useful,” he told Worth.

Worth chuckled, pouring each gentleman a glass. Both brothers kicked their drink back in one shot, while Dracott sipped at his. The spirit stung his torn lip.

“To patience,” Worth toasted.

“Hell! Do you not mean to make a toast to his sanity?” Worthington asked.

Throughout the afternoon, Maggie’s brothers made more toasts, teasing him about his union with Maggie. It was during those toasts he realized how Worthington understood his actions, but his first priority was to protect his sister. Dracott respected Worthington for that alone. While the brothers continued to torment him, he also realized what it felt like to be part of a family. He hoped his brother realized this too and would come around.

If not, then he would take it upon himself to make sure he did.