“What happened?” Maggie whispered.

“You have some nerve showing your face,” Reese growled.

“I am sorry, love. I wanted to share this in private.” Crispin covered his hand over Maggie’s.

“You have lost that chance,” Reese snarled.

“I am sure he is aware of the circumstances before him,” Graham replied sarcastically. “Why don’t we let Dracott sit down.” He guided Maggie away.

Eden and Rogers settled Dracott on the sofa, and Maggie moved to his side. Eden sat down on the other side of Maggie and grabbed her hand, showing her support.

“That will be all, Rogers. Thank you for your help,” Lady Worthington said.

“No, Mama. Rogers has his own secrets to confess.” Eden pointed at the chair closest to Dracott, and Rogers nodded.

After everyone returned to their seats, the room grew quiet. Maggie slid her other hand into Crispin’s, and tears slid along her cheeks as she stared at his beaten features. She squeezed his hand, and he brought it to his lips, kissing her fingers. Reese growled his dislike, but Dracott refused to take the hint. His need to reassure Maggie mattered more to him.

“You have exactly five seconds to drop my sister’s hand or else I will find pleasure in finishing your beating,” Reese threatened.

Everyone but Dracott and Rogers reprimanded Reese. Still, Dracott defied him and held on.

Reese started to countdown. “Five. Four.”

Graham interrupted. “Dracott, we received some disturbing news from a source today, stating you were Lord Ravencroft’s half-brother. Is this information correct?”

Dracott cleared his throat. “Lady Langdale, I presume.”

Graham nodded.

“Yes. The information is correct,” Dracott confirmed.

“The letter also states of your involvement with the thievery ring you help to investigate. Also, it explains your role in planting decoys to stall our progress and how your key role is to seduce my sister,” Graham continued.

“Lies.” Dracott kept his gaze focused on Graham.

Reese scoffed. “Do you expect us to believe you?”

Dracott shifted his gaze toward Reese. “No, my lord. I do not expect you to.”

Reese tightened his hands on the arm of the chair. “What do you have to say for yourself?”

“I have no knowledge about what I am to defend myself over. May I read the letter?” Dracott held his hand out.

Graham looked at Reese, and his brother nodded his approval. He handed the letter over to Dracott. Maggie caught Graham’s gaze and implored him in a silent message to hear Dracott out. Hell, didn’t she understand how he didn’t want to think the worse of Dracott. He considered the man his friend and had trusted him with his life. But the evidence was damning. However, he gave her a small smile to show he would.

Maggie breathed a sigh of relief at Graham’s offer of support. Oh, she knew he only smiled to pacify her. However, Graham always stood in her corner, and she held faith that he would remain so with this matter. She focused on Crispin again and watched his features change dramatically. His gaze hardened the more he read, and he crumpled the letter and threw it on the floor after he finished reading it.

What did the letter state? She bent over to retrieve the letter, but Crispin stopped her. He shook his head. She wanted to read the details of the letter. Yet her heart cried out at the lies it held, and she wanted no part of it. Whoever this Lady Langdale was, she meant to destroy them, and Maggie chose not to give her the power. She sat back against the cushions.

“Well?” Reese asked.

“If you will remain patient with me, I want to share with you my past, my present, and my future. I will not go into the details about my past, but I will give you enough information to help you understand my motives. My only request is that you will wait until I am finished before asking your questions,” Dracott started.

Dracott looked at Rogers before he continued, and Rogers nodded his approval. “My correct name is Crispin Dracott Rogers. I am the bastard child of Mr. Clyde Rogers and Lady Ravencroft. I hold no title, nor will I ever. Rogers is my uncle, my father’s brother. After my father passed away, my mother found herself involved with Lady Langdale. I spent my formable years as a lackey with the pack of thieves, doing whatever Lady L demanded to survive. Rogers tried many times to intervene without luck. After I refused to abandon my mother, Rogers left in frustration. A couple of years later, to my surprise, I learned I had a brother.”

He paused and drew in a breath. His mouth ached to talk, but he had only just started. “In his search to find his mother, Ravencroft discovered he also had a brother. When he realized the debt our mother owed, he refused to leave. He stayed until we cleared the debt. Then he secured us passage to return to his estate. However, we learned you can never leave Lady L’s clutches if you wish to live.”

Dracott glanced around the room, noting everyone’s expressions. They were eager to ask him questions, but they waited patiently for him to finish.