Evelyn’s softly spoken question transformed Reese into a caring husband. His gaze softened as he looked at his wife. He didn’t wish to worry her, but the threats Barbara Langdale made in her letter would affect their family greatly. While he couldn’t hide the facts from her, he could protect her to the best of his abilities. He must calm down before causing her any stress.

“Sometimes, my love, other people fool us with their false impressions. And it is my duty to deal with the deception.” Reese squeezed Evelyn’s hand before following Maggie.

“Who was false?” Evelyn asked.

“Dracott,” Eden whispered.

“And Ravencroft,” Graham snarled. “Where is Noel?”

“She and Mama went shopping. I felt ill, so I stayed at home,” Evelyn answered.

Graham nodded before leaving.

Evelyn walked over to Eden and grabbed her hands. “What have you learned?”

“They are brothers. You must stop Reese. He means to destroy Dracott and he cannot. Maggie and Dracott have shared intimate relations,” Eden explained.

“Oh my. Is the matter that severe?”

“Yes. I am afraid so.”

“Then we must join them.” Evelyn tugged Eden after her.

Evelyn and Eden rushed along the hallway. Someone pounded at the front door, and Reese ordered Rogers to get rid of any unwanted visitors.

“Only allow Ralston and Kincaid entry. However, if Ravencroft or Dracott are bold enough to call, then by all means, show them to my study and bring along my pistols,” Reese commanded.

The ladies paused on the staircase at Reese’s harsh instructions. His fury had returned, and if Evelyn didn’t stay by his side throughout this ordeal, she feared for the bloodshed that would spill.

Rogers waited to open the door until after Reese entered his study. Evelyn expected to make excuses to a friend, not for the sight that greeted them. Dracott stumbled inside with his face covered in blood, clutching at his side.

“Maggie,” he croaked between his lips before he fell at Rogers’s feet.

Rogers glanced along the hallway, then at Evelyn before taking action. He heaved Dracott to his feet. “Help me,” he ordered the footman.

The ladies followed Rogers as he carried Dracott to his quarters. He asked the footman to gather a list of supplies. After the servant rushed away, the butler started cleaning Dracott’s wounds.

“Rogers?” Evelyn questioned.

Rogers lowered his head before meeting her gaze with a wounded expression. “Forgive me, my lady, for disobeying your husband’s orders. You may dismiss me for my refusal to obey. However, the boy needs care, and I made a promise that I must fulfill.”

Evelyn held no clue about what transpired before them. But Rogers’s feelings for Dracott were clear. He cared for the man and held regret for not protecting him. Secret upon secret kept coming forth. And she knew from experience that if the truth stayed hidden, it would destroy many lives.

Evelyn placed her hand on Rogers’s shoulder in comfort. “You take care of Lord Dracott, and I will handle Lord Worthington. Do not worry.”

“Thank you, my lady.” He continued making Dracott more comfortable.

Evelyn motioned for Eden to follow her. “Stay near and offer Rogers your help. I will see to Reese. If Rogers or Dracott tries to leave, come tell us immediately. For Maggie’s sake, we must keep Dracott here.”

“I agree. Hurry, before he scares Maggie off to search for Dracott. We also learned earlier how Maggie has become a target. Her life is in danger,” Eden explained.

“By whom?”

Eden winced. “Lady Langdale.”

Evelyn gritted her teeth. “Like hell. She will not harm any member of my family.”

Evelyn hurried to Reese’s study and found that Mama and Noel had returned home. Mama shot her a distressed look, and Evelyn shrugged at how she was unclear about the situation. She was still at a loss about what had infuriated her husband.