“No,” Kincaid stated and turned to Reese. “What do you need from us?”

“I want both gentlemen found and I will deliver their punishment.” Reese spoke in a deadly, harsh whisper.

“Falcone, please see my sister home,” Worth ordered.

“No!” Eden shouted.

“Falcone. Now!” Worth demanded.

Falcone snarled his displeasure at how they dismissed him so easily. However, he never uttered a word. He stalked over to Eden and waited for her to rise. She glared at her brothers, but when they wouldn’t relent, she rose with dignity and stormed out of the office. He followed her outside. She stood on the walkway, tapping her foot with annoyance. While he didn’t appreciate his colleagues treating him like a lap dog, he would learn what the letter held.

Eden Worthington was a fine lady. Polished and always displayed impeccable manners. However, when the lady’s temper rose, she acted before thinking. He only needed to fuel her fury, and soon she would spill everything he needed to know.

“Hurry, Falcone. I do not have all day. I must return home at once.”

Falcone gritted his teeth at her snide tone. Oh, how he wanted to set her in her place. Perhaps even make her think twice before treating him as she did. One day he would. Only not today. But one day soon, he would find pleasure in her downfall from grace.

Falcone opened the door to his carriage. “Your chariot awaits, my lady.”

Eden glared at him. She settled on the seat and waited for Falcone to give instructions to the driver. Once he sat across from her and the carriage set off, his smirk returned. She knew what he expected, and she refused to allow her fury at her brothers to play into his hands. Her brothers, Ralston, and Kincaid kept the details of the letter to themselves for a reason. They didn’t trust Falcone, and she didn’t either. It wasn’t because he gave them any excuse not to trust him. However, it was a family matter and would stay in the family. Ralston and Kincaid were an extended branch of their family and would keep the secret amongst themselves.

She wouldn’t betray her sisters’ heartache for anything. Eden worried about how they would react. She understood Reese’s meaning about how he would handle the gentlemen. She only hoped Graham talked sense into him concerning Dracott. It would break Maggie’s heart if anything happened to him. She had watched her sister fall head over heels in love with Dracott. He was Maggie’s soulmate. Noel wouldn’t suffer because Reese would still allow her to wed Ravencroft, since he held a title. She would learn nothing different.

Eden’s thoughts consumed her, and she soon forgot about Falcone across from her. The gentlemen must have an explanation for their deceit. She had gotten to know Dracott quite well and didn’t believe he had played Maggie false. But then she had to wonder if the letter held any truth. After all, Ravencroft and Dracott had fooled their entire family into believing they had never met before, when in fact they were brothers.

The carriage pulled up to her townhome, and Falcone stepped down to help her out. She flew up the walk with Falcone following her. She must stop him before he entered the house.

Eden turned around and placed her hand on his chest. “You are no longer needed, Lord Falcone.”

“So it is your family’s intention to keep me in the dark,” Falcone snarled.

Eden smiled for the first time since she read the letter, taking immense pleasure in his unhappiness. “Yes.”

Falcone growled. “I insist on knowing what the letter stated.”

She shook her head. “Sorry. I seemed to have forgotten what it said.”

“Like hell you did.”

“Tsk, tsk. Such language. ‘Tis most improper of you to speak in that manner in front of a lady,” Eden baited him.

“Lady? ‘Tis questionable,” Falcone returned in full.

Eden laughed. “Good day, Lord Falcone.”

She swept inside and slammed the door in his face. Any other time, she would have gloated in besting Lord Falcone. But she must find Maggie. Perhaps her sister had knowledge of Dracott’s identity. If not, then Eden must deliver the dreadful news.

The chaos had exploded into a colossal mess.


EDEN HURRIED ALONG the hallway, searching for Maggie in every room. She couldn’t afford to run into their mother. Mama would notice her distress and demand to learn what troubled her. She must find her sister before Reese and Graham returned home. She needed to tell Maggie about Lady Langdale’s letter and see if Maggie held knowledge about the secrets Dracott kept. Reese and Graham would return home after they discussed a plan with Ralston and Kincaid to search for Ravencroft and Dracott. Reese’s demands would provoke Maggie to act out with irrational behavior.

“Lady Eden, you are home sooner than I expected.” Rogers startled Eden in her search.

Eden clutched her chest, calming herself. “Yes. I must speak with Maggie. Have you seen her?”

“She is in the nursery, playing with Lady Mina,” Rogers answered.