Maggie turned her attention to the bed and studied Crispin. While the two gentlemen held no apparent similarities, Maggie noted how they shared a likeness. Perhaps she had never noticed them before because of her dislike for Ravencroft or her infatuation with Crispin.

“We actually share the same hair color. He puts dye in his hair to cover the difference. If not, his natural color showcases our similarities,” Ravencroft pointed out.

Maggie kept staring at Crispin. His dishonesty didn’t alter how she felt about him. She knew he held secrets by the way he carried himself. After this evening, she realized he carried a heavy burden with those secrets.

“We should leave before your family discovers your disappearance.” Ravencroft rose and started toward the door.

“Will he be all right if we leave him alone?” Maggie whispered. Her concern for Crispin grew when he never awakened during their conversation.

“Yes. He only needs to sleep off the sedative I gave him earlier.”

“Why did you give him a sedative?”

“It helps him overcome his terrors.”


Ravencroft walked over to Maggie and peeled the knife from her hand. He slid it under the pillow next to Crispin, the place where his brother hid the weapon. Then he gathered Maggie’s hands into his. “Crispin has lived a life of hell until recently. The guidance he has received from Worth and the love you have freely given him has been the perfect tonic for his soul. I only wish I could have given him half of what your family has. But that is my grievance to bear. I only ask for you to keep an open mind when he confesses his sins. Give him the patience he will need to overcome his demons.”

Maggie tilted her head as she listened to the sincerity in Ravencroft’s words. She had misjudged him, which left her wondering about his intentions toward Noel. “Do you play Noel false? Or do you care for her as greatly as you do Crispin?”

Ravencroft squeezed her hands. “When I love someone, I love them with my entire heart and soul.” He turned and walked to the door.

“Do you love Noel?”

Ravencroft paused. The question was one he didn’t wish to consider at this moment. It held its own complications. “A matter I will only discuss with your sister.”

“Fair enough,” Maggie replied.

With one last lingering glance at Crispin, she followed Ravencroft into the hallway. She watched him lock the door behind him. Maggie wanted to berate him for neglecting to protect Crispin earlier, but it would get them nowhere. She also wanted to question why he held a key to the lodging, but it was likely because Crispin had given him the key.

During the carriage ride, neither of them spoke. They were both too deep into their thoughts. Also, they had nothing left to discuss. Ravencroft had made it clear Crispin must answer her questions and his relationship with Noel was none of her concern. When he spoke so passionately about how he loved, it had left her to question his devotion to Noel. While she found fault with it before, she now believed the earl cared for her sister. Only time would tell.

When they arrived behind the townhome in the mews, he stepped down and helped her out. Then he followed her through the garden to make sure she entered the townhome safely.

“I only ask one favor of you, Lady Margaret.”

“And that is?”

Ravencroft folded his hands behind his back. “For your silence on my relationship with Dracott. There are powers at play you are unaware of. Dangerous individuals who mean harm to those who you and I both love. And until I can secure the safety of Dracott and myself, then I must have your promise to stay silent.”

Maggie struggled with his request. She never kept secrets from her family other than sneaking out to see Crispin. However, what Ravencroft asked of her was monumental. Also, she realized the dangerous elements he mentioned in Crispin’s behavior and also the night she had spied Ravencroft speaking to a lady in the woods.

“I will only stay silent until I can talk with Crispin. Moving forward from there will depend on what Crispin and I decide together. However, we will warn you about our decision. In the meantime, no harm comes to the ones we love,” Maggie declared.

“Fair enough,” he answered before sauntering away.

Maggie watched Ravencroft leave, more confused than ever. She had never imagined the evening she just endured. But it was one she would remember to her dying day. Crispin had declared his love for her, not only with his words but with his soul.

A declaration given freely and one that would secure a lifetime of never-ending devotion from her.