Maggie interrupted. “Hence it being a hiding place.”

Charlie tilted her head to the side. After staring at Maggie for a few seconds, she pointed at the bed.

Maggie shrugged at how it might be the hiding spot. However, Charlie smirked and shook her head that it wasn’t. She circled the room, and soon a smile lit her face. Charlie pulled open the bottom drawer of a chest ladies used to keep their sewing in. After rummaging around to the bottom, Charlie pulled out a stack of clothing, comprising of her breeches and one of Graham’s old shirts. The same garments she had worn the last time she snuck out to see Crispin.

Maggie quirked an eyebrow at Charlie. “Has Sinclair taken away your breeches, so you think to steal mine?”

Charlie waggled her eyebrows. “No. He quite enjoys it when I wear breeches. Oh, the stories I could tell you of how much he enjoys them.”

“Charlie!” Evelyn warned.

“What? We are attempting to help the girl sneak out. Why must you censure me?”

Evelyn stuck out her tongue. “You are incorrigible.”

Charlie smiled. “Yet you love me all the same.”

Evelyn sighed. “That I do.”

Charlie threw the clothes at Maggie. “Hurry and change. We have little time.”

“Little time for what?” Maggie asked.

Charlie motioned her hands for Maggie to obey her command. She moved to the doorway, watching the hallway for anyone to disturb them.

Gemma took pity on Maggie’s confusion. “Because we are going to help you see Lord Dracott.”

Maggie turned a questioning stare at Evelyn, and her sister-in-law nodded. “Why?”

“Why else? You miss him. It is more than obvious. Your brother and Ralston have kept him away because of a secret case. We notice your doubt and want to help ease your worries,” Gemma explained.

“You would help me and endure Reese’s wrath if he were to find out?” Maggie asked.

Evelyn held an impish smile. “Leave your brother to me. No one will even realize you are gone. Trust us.”

Maggie needed no other reason because it didn’t matter anyhow. She had planned to see Crispin after everyone retired for the night. Who was she to pass up any kind of help? Their offer kept her from the danger of making the trek all alone in the dark.

She changed her clothes, pulled up her hair, and hid the tresses inside a hat. Once again, Maggie disguised herself as a young lad. Then she stood with her hands on her hips, facing her co-conspirators. “Now what?”

“Now you sneak into Gemma’s carriage and wait for us,” Charlie instructed.

“What about Ralston?”

“The gentlemen have decided to join Uncle Theo at his club for a game of cards. With some encouragement, they were more than eager,” Gemma explained.

“All right.” Maggie moved toward the door, then stopped. “I do not know how to express my gratitude.”

Evelyn rose and gathered Maggie’s hands into hers. “There is nothing for you to say. Us ladies must stick together in the matter of love.”

“We understand the misery of being separated from the one you love. You are worried about what keeps you apart,” Gemma added.

Charlie laughed. “Plus we love scandal.”

The other ladies shared secretive smiles. Maggie understood what those smiles meant. They were expressions of how they had each risked ruination to spend time in their lover’s arms. Maggie felt honored they included her in their pack, considering her youth. But then again, age didn’t matter with love.

Their support empowered Maggie to tell Crispin of her love for him and convince him to tell her his secrets. She wished her sisters were as supportive, but she understood why they weren’t here. Noel would never attempt to defy the rules, no matter how much Ravencroft tempted her. But then Ravencroft left Noel with no doubt of his devotion. Eden treated Maggie like a child at times and expressed a mother’s affection. Also, Evelyn was just as much of a sister to her.

“Thank you then.”