Chapter Thirteen

Maggie sat in the drawing room with her family and their guests. Mama had invited Evelyn’s family to join them for dinner. However, only a few of them had accepted the invitation. The Duke of Colebourne sat on the sofa between her mother and Evelyn, talking about their favorite subject, Mina. He liked for everyone, including Maggie, to call him Uncle Theo. Evelyn’s cousin, Gemma, who was also married to Graham’s business partner, Ralston, sat talking with Noel about her upcoming nuptials. They were the best of friends. In the corner, Evelyn’s twin sister, Charlie, and her husband, Jasper Sinclair, debated with Reese on the merits of good horseflesh.

Usually, Maggie would have joined their discussion. However, her heart rejected the polite atmosphere for the evening. Maggie had worried over Crispin’s welfare since she hadn’t heard from him for a few days. She had overheard their whispers about his absence from the office and how they had received no messages explaining his whereabouts. When she questioned them, they placated her with false smiles, pleading his absence on a case. The same excuse Graham made to Reese for why Crispin never called on her. Graham promised Reese that once they finished their case, he would give Crispin leave to court Maggie to Reese’s satisfaction. Graham’s comment only provoked Reese and made him more difficult to deal with.

Maggie didn’t know what to make of his disappearance. Every day, he had sent tokens to express his regrets for his absence since their passionate night together. However, nothing had arrived today. Had something happened to him? What case sent him into hiding? Most of their cases revolved around finding a missing object and only required obtaining a confession. Never anything dangerous.

Maggie’s curiosity grew once Eden joined their conversation, and she saw how serious their expressions turned. What were they involved in? And was Crispin in danger? Maggie grew more worried when Eden offered her a sympathetic look.

Then there was the matter of Ravencroft. His attention this evening made her uncomfortable. His gaze upon her held many questions. It was as if he tried to understand her character. His stare was upon her every time she glanced up from her plate. He watched her as if she held all the answers to his questions. Which only led her to wonder what those questions were. Had he played a part in Crispin’s disappearance? She had seen them arguing in the garden the other evening. Had Crispin learned something nefarious about the earl and Ravencroft sought to keep him silent?

She narrowed her gaze at him, and instead of glancing away, he returned her stare. For a second, she could’ve sworn she saw desperation and an indescribable emotion hidden in his depths, which was foolish. Wasn’t it? When she glanced back at him, he had moved on to join Graham, Ralston, and Eden. They stopped their discussion and teased Ravencroft about his upcoming nuptials.

Ravencroft acted like a swell sport, taking their ribbing like a pro. His pensive mood changed to one of a love-stricken groom. Maggie rolled her eyes. He laid it on a little too thick. Didn’t anyone else notice his false character? He had her entire family fooled. While Reese pondered Crispin’s character, he should focus his attention on Ravencroft before Noel walked down the aisle. It didn’t seem fair. Reese faulted Crispin for acting like an upstanding fellow who came by his wealth honestly. Unlike Ravencroft, who waited for a payout once he spoke his vows with Noel. Instead of forging his own path in life, Ravencroft waited for her brother’s handout. And for that, Reese was misguided with his acceptance.

“Well, Meredith, shall I help you make a match this season for young Maggie?” Colebourne winked at Maggie.

Colebourne’s exuberance and love for matchmaking brought a smile to Maggie’s lips. A few years ago, he had made matches for his entire family. Even Evelyn and Reese’s marriage had resulted from Colebourne’s hijinks. It was a well-known tale amongst their families.

“There is no need, Uncle Theo. I have already made a match of my own,” Maggie replied.

Colebourne chuckled. “Oh, indeed? I must hear the details.”

“Perhaps if the bloke would ever pay a call on Maggie, we could elaborate. For now, we shall not speak of the courtship,” Reese declared.

Evelyn shot her husband a warning glare, but it was her mother who came to Crispin’s defense. “Lord Dracott is courting Maggie. He is a viscount who works alongside Graham and Ralston. We were hoping he would join us this evening so you could meet him. However, Graham has Lord Dracott working on a case.”

Colebourne’s eyebrows drew together. “Dracott? His name sounds familiar, yet I cannot place him. It will come to me. It must be an important case to keep him away from the company of young Maggie.”

Graham cleared his throat, appearing uncomfortable with the line of questioning. “Yes. But one we should finish soon.”

“I would love to learn more about it. Perhaps I will call on your office tomorrow. Gemma has told me of your success of late.” Colebourne praised Graham and Ralston.

Soon, Colebourne shifted the discussion onto Noel about her wedding. The duke always tried to make everyone feel appreciated and that he cared for them. When Reese and Evelyn married, their two families had become one. They were a tight-knit bunch with Colebourne holding court in the center.

Mama offered her a smile of support. She knew how much Maggie had been missing Crispin. While her mother never voiced another objection to Crispin’s behavior, she disliked seeing Maggie upset. Mama even stepped in when Reese voiced his dislike for the situation.

Maggie’s gaze drifted around the room to the harsh whispering between Graham and Ralston again and their panicked expressions when they glanced at Reese and Colebourne. Maggie suspected the case they worked on had ties to the two gentlemen, which only spiked her curiosity to learn more. Perhaps she should attempt to sneak away again this evening. She would wait until Rogers was asleep since she had memorized the path to Crispin’s place. Perhaps she would find her answers there.

During her musings, she missed Ravencroft leaving the drawing room. She wondered where he went, but her thoughts over Crispin’s welfare consumed her, and she soon forgot about her sister’s fiancé.

“If everyone will excuse me. I want to peek in on Mina before calling it a night. I enjoyed everyone’s company this evening. With any luck, you can meet Lord Dracott during our next family dinner.”

While Maggie spoke to the room at large, Reese was the one she focused her direction on. Her brother quirked his brow at her boldness, but Maggie only offered him a sweet smile. He shook his head at her, biting back his own smile. Her declaration spoke of her affections for Crispin being a part of their lives and her brother answered her with his reluctant acceptance. His response satisfied her.

After everyone wished her a good evening, Maggie walked to the nursery. She stood in the door, watching her niece sleep, clutching her favorite doll. She was such a sweet child. The complete opposite of Maggie, but she adored her more than anyone else. Everyone adored Mina. She had everyone wrapped around her little finger. She was simplicity. Innocence. A joy brought into their family that had at one time suffered uncertainties.

Mama had always brought light into their life and made their home peaceful and loving. However, whenever Papa visited, he had only brought darkness with him. After he left, they had struggled to fall back into their normal routine, only to have him wreak havoc on them once again on his next return. Maggie never told a soul, but when her father died, she had suffered no remorse for his passing. Everyone had thought they kept the ugliness hidden from her, but she had seen through the drama for what it was. A soulless man who tortured his family with his cruelness.

After their father’s death, Reese had adapted to their father’s nefarious habits. But it was with Evelyn’s love he had broken free from the chains holding him down. She saw the same determination in Crispin’s eyes, how he tried to escape from a darkness known only to him. She wanted to help guide him into the light. Maggie wished Reese would understand how Crispin fought his own demons. He was a good man, the only man for her.

Maggie couldn’t help herself. She stepped inside and placed a kiss on Mina’s cheek. “Sweet dreams, little one.”

She continued to her bedchamber, only to find Evelyn, Charlie, and Gemma inside. Evelyn and Gemma watched Charlie with amusement as she dug through Maggie’s wardrobe.

“And here I thought nobody else was as disorganized as myself. But this girl is a mess. Now, where does she keep her breeches?” Charlie mumbled.

Evelyn chuckled. “Probably somewhere Mama cannot find them.”