Worthington nodded. “The ladies will be ready at eight o’clock. Oh, and bring your assistant.”

Worth frowned. “Why?”

“Because Evelyn is under the impression that he holds a calming influence over Maggie,” Worthington explained before strolling out the door.

Worth scowled after his brother. “Damn him.”

Ralston sighed. “Another distraction placed in our path.”

“Sorry, mate.” Worth poured himself a drink. “We must postpone our plan for another evening.”

“We wouldn’t have found success anyhow. Without Falcone’s information, we are at a standstill. Once he arrives, we can secure the ringleader’s capture,” Ralston stated.

“Can you please explain why you didn’t inform your brother of the information we received on the old case?” Dracott asked.

Ralston tried to make Worth see reason. “You need to tell him, Worth. Once he learns of her return, this will affect him and Evelyn. Because the lady will exact her revenge against your brother and his wife. Rumor is that she holds onto her bitterness at Worthington for throwing her over for Evelyn.”

“Because I plan to destroy Lady Langdale before she even steps foot in London,” Worth declared.

Despite his declaration, they were already too late to make the threat happen.


MAGGIE ROLLED HER EYES. If she had to listen to her sister Noel describe how divine her fiancé was any longer, she would lose the contents of her stomach. Then her mother would discipline her on how a lady never showed any sign of illness in front of others under any circumstance. But she had grown tired of the endless praises Noel directed for Lord Ravencroft. Or Gregory, as Noel gloated in more intimate company. Either way, Maggie no longer wished to listen to another word.

When Noel flashed her ring again to her many admirers, Maggie slipped away while she had a chance. Graham had dropped Maggie in Noel’s clutches and sauntered away to the card room. Excitement had coursed through her when Graham arrived to escort them to the Sinclair Ball. Reese and Evelyn had spent the evening at home since Evelyn didn’t feel well. Maggie suspected they would announce the impending arrival of a new family member soon. However, Graham had refused to allow Maggie to join him in the card room. She had thought Eden would help relieve the boredom, but her sister had yet to arrive.

Which left Maggie at the mercy of hearing Noel gush over Ravenscroft’s proposal for the umpteenth time.

It wasn’t as if she didn’t hold joy for her sister’s happiness. She did. Or she would if it were a different gentleman. However, Lord Ravencroft drew out Maggie’s dislike of his suspicious activities. He may present himself as a doting fiancé by showering Noel with many gifts, but Maggie questioned his behavior. When no one paid him any attention, Maggie noticed a permanent frown on his face. Especially after interacting with Noel.

Shouldn’t a gentleman who acted as he did with Noel always express happiness, even when he was apart from her? Each couple she was familiar with, the gentleman walked in a state of marital bliss, even when he was apart from his wife. Reese was a perfect example after he married Evelyn. He never let a day pass without expressing his happiness to everyone around him. Maggie hoped to find a gentleman who showed her the same devotion.

She slipped outside onto the dark balcony and glanced over her shoulder. Once she saw no one followed her, she continued down the stairs and into the garden. She understood the risk if someone caught her and promised herself she would be quick. She only wanted to take a peek at Sinclair’s new mare. Maggie had overheard Jasper Sinclair discussing the horse with Reese earlier in the week, and she wanted to see the beauty.

She pulled off her slippers and hitched her skirts above her knees before she reached the stables. Since the stable hands had to take care of the carriages arriving for the ball, the stables sat empty, much to her advantage. She wandered up and down the aisles until she came upon the golden-haired beauty. Maggie dropped her skirts and climbed up a rail to peer into the stall. The foal slept next to her mama. She sighed, wishing to stroke the soft mane, but she didn’t wish to disturb them.

Dracott followed Maggie once she slipped away from the ballroom. Worth had given him explicit orders concerning his sister. Dracott was to remain hidden during the ball and watch the beauty every second. If she wandered away, he was to follow and keep her out of trouble. Worth didn’t care if Maggie took part in the ball or not. He only cared if his sister didn’t give anyone reason to gossip about her behavior.

Worth sympathized with his sister and didn’t wish to play the villain. The other members of the Worthington family already applied enough pressure on Maggie’s entrance into society. Worth didn’t wish to add to it.

When Maggie ventured through the gardens and continued to the mews, Dracott realized her destination. He shook his head once she bent over to take off her slippers. At least she had the decency to raise her skirts before she ventured into the stables. He picked up his pace. If anyone was to catch her unescorted, who knew what would happen? She risked her virtue for a mere glimpse at a horse.

He soon learned how much trouble Margaret Worthington actually was.

He found her crouched over the railing, reaching out to stroke the mare’s coat. When she lost her grip and tumbled over, losing his position flashed through his mind. Dracott lurched forward and grabbed Maggie before she landed face-first in the hay. He drew her back against his chest, breathing a sigh of relief.

However, the spitfire in his arms reacted differently. She thrashed around and kicked at his legs. When her head flew back and smashed him in the nose, he dropped her.

“Bloody settle down. I only tried to save you from falling!” Dracott shouted.

Maggie winced at the order coming from the gentleman who had haunted her dreams of late. Lord Dracott stood above her, scowling at her while he clenched his nose. She scrambled to her feet and urged his hands away from his face. Then she brushed her fingers across the redness.

“I apologize, my lord. I thought you were accosting me,” Maggie explained.

“You are lucky that wasn’t my intention. You act irresponsibly by wandering around without a chaperone to see to your welfare,” Dracott reprimanded her. “You would have been helpless if someone disreputable came along and took advantage of you.”

Dracott struggled to keep a stern voice with Maggie’s hand caressing his face. Her gentle touch undid him. His fingers rolled into a fist to keep from drawing her into his arms and kissing her. Her wide eyes and pouty lips were a temptation he struggled to resist. Why did his assignment this evening have to involve her? Ever since he met the debutante, she had consumed his thoughts. Any time someone mentioned her name, his ears perked to hear about her latest escapades.