After they finished making love, Maggie saw the indecision in Crispin’s gaze and realized Crispin carried a heavy burden. She didn’t know what it was, but it troubled him. She also sensed he wasn’t honest about the character he portrayed. He presented himself as an admirable gentleman, but there was more to him. Maggie would allow his secrets for a while. But soon he must confess his sins and only then would they confess their affections for one another.

Maggie wanted to avoid discussing their shared emotions, and he knew it was because of his dishonesty. He noticed how her gaze traveled around his lodgings and the quality of his possessions. She didn’t question him, waiting for him to admit his failings. However, he couldn’t yet. Not until Maggie was secure from the threat of Lady Langdale. He would stay silent because of his own selfishness.

To distract her, he slid his tongue across her finger and gazed upon her desire flaring to life again. He wished for nothing more than to spend the next few hours awakening her desires over and over again. But their time to depart drew near. Before long, he must escort Maggie home and hope no one learned of their indiscretion.

The familiar pull of desire sizzled around them. She might have just lost her innocence, but ever since she met Crispin, her body had reacted to his presence. Lying naked in his arms only intensified it. She moaned with longing, making Crispin’s chest shake with amusement. She swatted at him.

“You, my lord, are a tease.” Maggie pulled away, drawing the blanket around herself.

He folded his arms behind his head, smirking at her. “You have the nerve to call me a tease, my lady? When you sit upon my bed naked with only a sheet wrapped around you. A sheet that outlines your luscious curves.”

She looked over her shoulder and cocked an eyebrow. “Yes. But you lie upon the bed unashamed in all your delectable glory.”

He rose and brushed a kiss across Maggie’s shoulder. “You find me delectable?” He nipped at her neck.

Maggie grew soft all over again at his lips upon her. Her body craved the satisfaction only his touch would grant her. Crispin’s arm circled around her middle, bringing her back against his chest. He held her there, not saying a word, with his head on her shoulder. His warm breath washed over Maggie. His gesture meant more to her than what they had just shared. Not that she didn’t love every minute of Crispin’s lovemaking. But his affectionate gesture made her feel complete. Whole. Two soul mates treasuring their love.

“I must go,” Maggie whispered.

“I know.” Crispin hugged her tighter against him. He wasn’t ready for her to leave, but he must release her so she could dress. With a soft kiss on top of her head, he withdrew his arms, and Maggie pulled the sheet around her. Her shyness after they made love was another adorable quality he enjoyed watching. A warm blush spread across her silken skin as she dressed. If he were a gentleman, he would turn his back and give her the privacy befitting a lady. However, as much as he tried to portray himself, he was no gentleman.

Crispin continued with his bold stare as she dressed. His intent was more than clear in how he wished for her to stay. He tempted Maggie to throw caution to the wind and join him under the covers for more lovemaking. However, common sense ruled her actions to finish dressing. She didn’t want Crispin to suffer from Reese’s or Graham’s wrath for her boldness. He didn’t sneak into her bedchamber to seduce her; instead she had stolen into his.

Crispin searched the room for his clothing once Maggie finished dressing. Maggie curled up into an armchair and returned his bold stare with her own. She sighed as she watched him pull on his trousers. It was a shame he had to cover himself. He was a fine specimen indeed. Most divine. Maggie giggled at the description.

Crispin raised his head. “What do you find amusing, minx?”

“Just a term Noel always used to describe a gentleman she was interested in before she met Ravencroft. And she still uses the word to this day. However, no other gentleman is as divine as Ravencroft. But I must disagree with her. For I find you the most divine gentleman I have ever met.”

Crispin shook his head at her silliness. “Divine? And I had hoped you held a more masculine description of my appearance.”

Maggie rose and glided over to Crispin, helping him to button his shirt. “Sorry, I forbid it.”

“Oh, you do?”


“May I ask why?” He brought her fingers to his lips for a kiss.

“Because I want no other lady to realize what they are missing. If they were to whisper how brooding, strong, and sinful you are, then they would steal your attention away from me.” Maggie pouted.

He lifted her chin with his knuckle. “Never fear, my love. No other lady will gain my attention because for our remaining days, I shall only focus it upon you.”

A knock sounded on the door, and Rogers hissed behind the panel, “Dracott, you are pushing past the boundaries of my patience.”

“You must leave, my love. When I arrive later today for a walk, we shall continue our discussion of how sinful you find me.”

He never gave Maggie a chance to reply. Crispin gave her a kiss to remember for when she closed her eyes and fell into her dreams. It was a promise to the other kisses they would share again soon. He reluctantly pulled away and drew her toward the door.

Maggie’s hand slipped from Crispin when she entered the hallway and Rogers greeted her with a frown. She had dallied with Crispin for longer than the butler had agreed to.

Rogers pushed her behind him and stepped close to Dracott. “Lord Dracott, I expect you to call on Lord Worthington at your earliest convenience,” Rogers demanded.

Dracott leaned against the doorjamb with a cockiness he hadn’t portrayed since he arrived in London. Hell, this sense of recklessness hadn’t consumed him since his time on the Continent. However, after a few hours in Maggie’s arms, his true self flickered to life.

He shrugged. “We shall see.”

Rogers growled his distaste for the situation. When his glare didn’t alter Dracott’s stance, he stalked off. “We leave now, Lady Margaret.”

Maggie hesitated, glancing back and forth between Crispin and Rogers. She didn’t understand what had transpired between them since Rogers spoke so low. However, Crispin offered her a confident smile and tilted his head for her to follow Rogers. She had no choice because she must return home with haste. Soon, the sun would break through the darkness, and if she wasn’t in her bed when that occurred, then she would face a doomed future with however Reese wanted to handle the situation. She took off after Rogers and didn’t glance back once, because if she did, she would only run into Crispin’s arms instead.

After they left, Dracott slipped back inside his room and tugged on his boots and overcoat. He glanced out the window and saw them walking toward the Worthingtons’ townhome. On his way out, he grabbed a cap and slid it low over his head. Then he followed them, keeping back far enough to see them safely home.

Once they arrived, he waited around for a spell to stay close to Maggie. As he stood there, watching over the lady he loved, the eerie sense of someone following him settled over him once again. He searched his surroundings but saw nothing to concern himself over. Still, danger lurked nearby. A danger he couldn’t prevent but would fight against with all his strength.

Maggie’s love gave him the confidence he needed. While they never spoke the words, they didn’t need to. The emotions that had shaken him during their lovemaking could only be the magic of love. While he thought love would overcome all of their obstacles, he wondered if Maggie would hold the same opinion once she learned the truth about him.

He hoped so.