“May I ask why?”


Dracott arched a brow. “That is what I am inquiring, too.”

“’Tis personal,” Worth muttered.

“Mmm. I understand.” Dracott drew his hands behind his back, rocking on his heels.

Worth scoffed. “I highly doubt it.”

“The lady holds your infatuation just as Maggie declared. And she has elusively escaped your clutches.” Dracott smirked.

Worth leveled him with a glare. “Just find the chit,” he demanded.

Dracott nodded. “Will do. Enjoy your game of cards. I will say good night to your family and make my way home.”

“Do not come into the office until you obtain the information I require,” Worth ordered.

Dracott chuckled, throwing over his shoulder, “It might take a few days.”

He didn’t wait to hear what Worth muttered. With Worth’s order not to show his face, it allowed him more time to woo Maggie. He couldn’t wait to make plans with her. Perhaps he would even climb on a horse and take a ride with her. It wasn’t his favorite activity to partake in, but he would for her.

Dracott returned to the drawing room to find it empty, except for Rogers, who was locking the windows. “I am sorry, my lord. The ladies have retired for the evening. I shall see you out.”

Dracott followed Rogers to the door, and the butler handed over his coat and hat. He didn’t inquire about Ravencroft’s whereabouts since he never passed him on the way out of the garden. No need to draw attention to his brother’s activities.

“Thank you.” He drew on his coat and placed his hat on his head.

“Have a good evening, my lord,” Rogers said.

Dracott nodded his acceptance of Rogers’s well-wishes. He took himself down the steps and into the darkness. He blended into the shadows as he made his way to his temporary residence. Dracott sensed someone following him. However, he held no clue who it might be. He knew he would find out soon enough because catastrophe would strike.

He only hoped Maggie stayed clear from the danger.


MAGGIE PEELED HER DOOR open to make sure her path was clear. She inched out and crept along the hallway and down the stairs. With each step undetected, her nerves calmed. What she attempted should have set her nerves on edge, but it wasn’t anything she hadn’t attempted before. She had snuck out many times since they arrived in London. However, on this excursion, her family wouldn’t consider her destination a safe place for a young lady to visit. On the other occasions, she only went as far as the mews in the alley behind their townhome, either to visit the horses or play cards with the stable hands.

Tonight, her destination would ruin her reputation forever if someone caught her. But it was a chance she was willing to take. She hadn’t mistaken the passion held in Crispin’s kiss this evening. It only left her to wonder what might happen if they were alone. Would his warm kisses involve soft caresses along her skin as he devoted himself to her pleasure? It only left Maggie curious about how he would pleasure her.

She didn’t ponder the possibilities or else she would lose sight of him. Maggie ran along the soft grass to keep close to him but far enough away that he wouldn’t see her. If he saw her, he would demand for her to turn around and return home.

Before she took another step, Graham’s voice stopped her. “What took you so long?”

“I wanted to wish Noel pleasant dreams. But you know your sister, she kept rattling on,” Ravencroft explained.

Graham laughed. “Should have known. Sorry, mate. We are under the impression she talks just to listen to herself.”

Maggie frowned at Ravencroft’s excuse. He had lied. They had taken to their bedchambers for the evening before Ravencroft’s return. Maggie had listened for Noel’s snoring to begin before she made her escape. Nor had she passed Ravencroft when she left. What was he about? The nagging sensation of how the gentleman was untrustworthy still sat with her. She must check with Crispin to see if he had learned anything about Ravencroft to verify her assumption for doubting the lord.

She peered through the bushes and saw Graham and Ravencroft enter the carriage. After they drove off, Maggie realized they had distracted her from following Crispin. It didn’t matter though because she held a general idea of where Crispin’s lodgings were. She had overheard Graham mentioning how they were behind the alley of their offices. She should find them simple enough.

“And where are we off to this evening, Lady Margaret? The mews are in the opposite direction,” Rogers asked.

Maggie gasped. The butler had caught her stealing away into the night, and now her mother would send her back to Worthington Hall. When she first arrived in London, she had begged for that outcome. However, since she met Crispin, it was the last place she wanted to return to.

She slowly turned around. No excuses came to mind. “Umm.”