She observed Noel, recalling the comment she made. “Where else should I consider kissing Crispin? If not openly. Where do you and Ravencroft exchange kisses?”

Noel fluttered her hand at Maggie. “Exchange? We are not horses, dear sister. You do not exchange kisses but share them.” Noel paused with a dreamy expression crossing over her features and sighed longingly. “Or they are stolen from you.”

Maggie’s eyes widened. “Stolen? Perhaps, dear sister, it is you who should explain yourself.”

Noel drew her lips into a secretive smile. “Mmm.” Noel never elaborated and sat on a bench nearby and patted the space next to her. “May I offer some advice?”

Maggie sat down and nodded for Noel to continue.

“Lord Dracott has only fallen back into Mama and Reese’s good graces this evening. If you care to keep his standings the same, then you must not provoke them to change their minds again. And sharing kisses with him in the garden where anyone could see”—she pointed to the windows on the second floor—“would not be a wise choice.”

Maggie closed her eyes, realizing her foolishness indeed. If Reese looked out his bedroom window, he would’ve seen the kisses Crispin teased from her lips.

She opened her eyes and nodded at Noel that she understood. “Thank you.”

Noel smiled. “It is my pleasure. Now I only have one question before we make our return. Do Dracott’s kisses make your toes curl? Because from where I watched, they made mine curl.”

Maggie sighed. “Yes.” She didn’t care to know, but she must ask Noel the same question about Ravencroft. If Noel answered differently, then she stood correct that Ravencroft was not the gentleman for her sister. “Does Ravencroft’s kisses hold the same effect on you?”

Noel rose and twirled in a circle. “And then some.” With a wink, she skipped back inside.

Maggie smiled at her sister’s silliness. She ran after her but paused before walking inside. She looked over her shoulder again; however, the gentlemen remained out of sight. With a shrug, she continued inside and sat next to Mama on the sofa.

“Did you have a pleasant stroll with Crispin?” Mama asked.

Maggie smoothed her hand along her skirts. “Yes, it was pleasant.”

Mama frowned. “Did the gentlemen take their leave?”

Noel made their excuse for why they had returned without the gentlemen. “No. They are only smoking those atrocious cigars gentlemen prefer. Maggie and I preferred not to inhale the horrible scent.”

“Bloody hell! Without me?” Graham stalked outside, making it clear whose company he would rather join.

Mama shook her head at his rude behavior. “Well, ladies, Graham shall see the gentlemen out. It is time for us to retire.”

“But, Mama,” Noel whined.

“No argument, my dear. We have an early morning appointment at the modiste for the final alterations on Maggie’s debut gown and your wedding trousseau. I will not have you looking peaked.”

Eden giggled.

Mama turned toward Eden and arched her eyebrow. “And what do you find so amusing?”

“How lucky I am not to be part of your visit to the dressmaker.” Eden snickered.

“Oh, but you shall. You need to order a new dress for each event. Even Evelyn and Mina are coming along. We shall make it a Worthington ladies’ affair.”

Eden’s groan caused Maggie and Noel to laugh at her misery. Mama rose, and they all followed her from the drawing room. They knew better than to argue with their mother once she stated her wishes. However, it didn’t stop Maggie or Noel from glancing over their shoulders, hoping to catch one more glance of the gentleman they desired.

Unfortunately, they were out of luck.