When the servant served dessert, Evelyn attempted to persuade Mina to sit on her lap. However, Mina whimpered her denial and laid her head on Crispin’s shoulder.

“Come, Mina. Let Crispin eat his cake,” Evelyn urged. Mina shook her head.

“She is fine. Let her rest a spell. She should fall asleep soon. Enjoy your cake. I will eat mine soon enough,” Crispin assured Evelyn.

If his offering of chocolate didn’t warm her mother’s heart toward him, then his unselfish act alone did. Maggie saw her mother’s gaze soften toward Crispin. He had won her mother over. Maggie swung her attention to Reese. He was the only family member left who held out an objection. However, his guard appeared to slip with his daughter’s warm acceptance of Crispin. Who knew a child held the ability to influence her father to set his prejudices to the side? Reese shifted his gaze and focused on Maggie, giving her a slight nod to show his acceptance. Maggie beamed her approval at him, and he smiled at her with a father’s pride.

Worth stretched his legs out in front of him, balancing his plate across his stomach. “Since Dracott skillfully charmed his way into you ladies’ hearts, then he can stand in my place for all the upcoming entertainments.”

“You will not abandon your obligations by unloading them on your sister’s suitor. He may be your employee, but when he accompanies us, it will be as Maggie’s companion, not as your replacement,” Reese ordered.

“Ahh, dictatorial as ever,” Graham muttered.

Reese smirked. “How else will we get you settled?”

Graham shrugged. “Perhaps because I see no need to settle my affairs with a bride.”

“I wish for all my children to find their soul mates,” Mama argued.

“I shall pass with that endeavor,” Graham continued.

“Why do you remain stubborn on this topic?” Mama asked.

“Because he already has his eye on someone, Mama,” Maggie teased.

Mama gasped. “Oh! Who is she?”

Maggie shrugged. “I do not know who she is. He chased after her at the theater. ‘Tis why Crispin came to my rescue. She caught Graham’s eye, and he raced off to capture her attention. But one has to wonder if she eluded him. I would have to say yes since he returned to the box wearing a dejected expression.”

“Clam it shut, Mags,” Graham warned.

Maggie giggled. “Ahh, ‘tis no fun when you are the one to be teased, is it, dear brother?”

Graham shook his head at her. “You will pay, squirt.”

Maggie’s eyes twinkled. “I cannot wait.”

She relaxed back into the cushions, pleased with how the evening was playing itself out. Even watching her sister fawn over Ravencroft didn’t annoy Maggie. She still didn’t trust the gentleman, but he no longer troubled her thoughts. Perhaps the attention her sister received from Ravencroft made Maggie jealous. Ever since Crispin called on Maggie, she had lost interest in her soon-to-be brother-in-law.

Maggie tilted her head to the side and found Crispin staring at her niece, who was asleep in his arms. She didn’t understand the depth of his gaze. There were no words for the emotions pouring forth. It held wonderment, joy, contentment, all wrapped up in a sense of sadness. While she observed him, the depth of her own emotions swelled in her heart. She realized she had fallen in love with him. Would he gaze upon his own child in the same regard? If so, would she hold the honor of being the child’s mother?

Maggie received the answer to her question when Crispin’s head rose, and their gazes connected. Yes. His stare portrayed what she herself felt. They needed no words shared between them to communicate the depth of their feelings for one another. She wished they were alone so she could kiss him. She wanted to be one with him. To lie in his arms while he worshipped her and she would worship him in return.

Crispin watched the emotions flit through Maggie’s stare. Its intensity held a profound effect on his soul. Her eyes expressed her every thought. He wished they were alone so he could show her how much he reciprocated what she felt. He would leave no part of her unkissed. As he worshipped at her feet, he would caress every delectable inch of her. But most of all, he wanted to hold her in his arms and declare his love for her. He had fallen and fallen hard.

He dragged his gaze away from her for fear of ruining her family’s forgiveness. If any of them noticed the passion simmering between them, they would kick him out and forbid him any contact with her. Instead, he focused on the little girl in his arms, an innocent he would do everything in his power to protect. Even sacrifice himself, if need be. He raised his head again and encountered Ravencroft’s stare. His brother must hold the same opinion because he glanced at the child before meeting his stare again. His look held the same determination. At least they agreed upon this matter.

He gave Ravencroft a slight nod, indicating his need to talk with him. His brother signaled with his own response.

“It would appear I was correct. She has fallen asleep,” Crispin whispered.

“Oh dear, she has the sweet mite,” Meredith murmured.

Reese walked over to him and gathered his daughter in his arms. “We shall say our goodnights. Thank you, Ravencroft and Dracott, for joining our family for dinner. We hope to share many more with you in the future.”

Reese’s comment spurred the rest of the family to murmur their agreement. His statement declared his approval for the two gentlemen to join their family. Two gentlemen who stood on the verge of destroying their trust with lies. They needed to confess their deceit, but they kept sinking in deeper the more they tried to dig out.

After Reese and Evelyn retired for the evening with their daughter, Ravencroft rose. “With your permission, Meredith, may Dracott and I escort Noel and Maggie for a stroll around the garden?”