The gong sounded for everyone to take their seats and the curtains raised, signaling the beginning of the second act. Dracott nodded at the Worthingtons and joined Worth in the same set of chairs he had sat in during the first act. Ravencroft must have placed himself in the earl’s good graces again because he sat next to Lady Noel with a besotted smile on his face. He still didn’t understand what to make of his brother’s attendance on the young miss.

“I will not cover for you with Reese again. Do not make a habit of sneaking off with my sister. I won’t be so forgiving next time,” Worth threatened.

“I understand,” Dracott bit out.

He didn’t mean to take his frustration out on the very gentleman who had saved him from the earl’s wrath. However, he didn’t take kindly to being talked down to. He understood he had overstepped his bounds, but he didn’t need to be reprimanded like a parent would a child.

Worth sighed. “I did not mean to sound so harsh. I only warn you out of respect. Reese does not trust easily, and he is protective of our sisters, especially Maggie. As much as she tries his patience, he guards her from the harsh reality of life so that she doesn’t have to endure what we did as children. Also, I am aware of my sister’s penchant for trouble. She can tempt the very devil.”

Dracott cleared his throat and muttered, “That she can.”

Worth narrowed his gaze. “Is there anything you wish to share?”

“Not at this time.”

Worth nodded in understanding. “For your sake, I hope never.”

Dracott never broke his gaze away from the warning. “Point taken.”

They sat in silence for a while, neither of them watching the play but weighing what sat heavily in their thoughts. Dracott held no clue what kept Worth preoccupied. It didn’t involve Maggie, but what he needed Dracott’s help with. Maggie consumed his thoughts, especially with the glances she kept sending his way. However, they no longer held the desire from the kisses they had shared earlier. Instead, her gaze held questions, ones he needed to avoid answering if he hoped to win her hand. He feared if she discovered the truth of his character, she would flee in the opposite direction.

“There is someone I need you to find.” Worth’s demand broke through Dracott’s attention on Maggie.

“Who?” Dracott whispered.

Worth ran his hand through his hair in frustration. “I wish I knew. She always makes an escape before I can gain an introduction.”

“Is she connected with our case?”

“No. No. She is an elusive fascination.” Worth’s voice held a sense of awe that Dracott didn’t understand how to interpret.

“I do not understand. Why do you not search for her yourself? That is your profession, is it not?” Dracott quipped.

“I have those other leads concerning Lady L to follow. You are better skilled at locating people who don’t wish to be found,” Worth explained.

“Like your mystery lady?”


Dracott sighed. “All right. Give me a description of her and the last place you saw her.”

“She was here this evening wearing a midnight-blue gown that clung to her curves, leaving a man’s imagination to wonder what lies beneath. Her hair hung past her shoulders in a rich, luxurious mane of glory. Many gentlemen’s heads turned when she passed by them, tempting them with her charms. Yet when our gazes connected, they held a look of innocence. Like she played a role of a tempting siren for a purpose. I checked backstage, and none of them were familiar with who I described. I spent the first half of the play searching for her, but she disappeared into thin air, the same way you do sometimes. It was quite uncanny.” Worth laughed. “Do you have a sister, perhaps?”

No. He didn’t have a sister, but Dracott knew the lady Worth described. He didn’t have to discover her identity, but he needed to find where she hid. And when he found her, he would also find Lady L. The source of their investigation. Damn. He had hoped Ravencroft was mistaken on Sabrina’s return. Now Worth fancied himself interested in Sabrina. His infatuation would lead toward trouble no one could ever recover from. If Lady L discovered how much Worth found Sabrina desirable, she would use it to her advantage. Sabrina would become a pawn in a game she didn’t have the skills to play.

Could this evening get any worse? He decided to leave before it would. He would make Worth believe he would begin his search now. However, he would return home and enjoy a bottle of gin. After the evening he had held, he deserved to turn his mind off and allow the alcohol to numb his senses. Tomorrow was soon enough to straighten out the mess of his life.

“Sorry, I have no sister. If you can make my excuses, I’ll see what I can discover while her trail is still fresh.”

Worth placed his hand on Dracott’s sleeve. “I owe you.”

Dracott nodded and shook off Worth’s grip. He left the box, not once glancing at Maggie again. Because if he did, he would relent and tell Worth how he didn’t owe him. That it was quite the opposite. Dracott owed the Worthingtons an explanation that he fought to keep hidden. With each passing moment spent in Maggie’s company and the friendship Worth offered him, it became more difficult not to confess his deceit. However, this evening he kept his secret safe and departed with the knowledge of his true identity and those he cared about.

However, secrets always came to light.