“I will not allow my brother to force you into a marriage you do not want.”

“We may not have a choice.”

Maggie narrowed her gaze. “Everyone has a choice to make whatever decision they want. It is up to that person to decide if it is right for them.”

Dracott sighed. He wished he held the same optimism as Maggie. But unfortunately, he lived a life where the decisions of others ruled his actions. Even now, he couldn’t whisk Maggie away without someone trying to stop him. Dracott prayed she held onto her innocent understanding of life and never experienced the jaded life he led.

He turned toward the door, not agreeing with Maggie, for he couldn’t in all honesty. “We must return.”

Maggie released a sigh, just as Crispin had done. She expected him to agree with her, but instead he remained quiet. She didn’t picture him as a gentleman who allowed other people’s opinions to influence the way he lived his life. Perhaps she was mistaken about his character. If she misjudged him on this subject, what else might be false about him?

Before she could question him, a knock sounded on the door. Maggie’s eyes widened. Crispin turned and held a finger to his lips to stay silent. He nodded his head for Maggie to step away from the door and hide. She moved against the wall, hidden from any prying eyes.

Dracott opened the door to find Evelyn and Eden standing with impatience. “Ladies.”

Eden shook her head at him. “Finally. We have been knocking for an eternity.”

Evelyn chuckled. “No, we have not. However, we have no time to waste. Come, Maggie, we must leave. If not, Lord Dracott will find himself a victim of your brother’s wrath.”

Eden winced. “But his face is too pretty for their fury.”

Evelyn nodded. “Exactly. ‘Tis why we must hurry.”

Dracott didn’t quite know how to handle the ladies’ amusement. He expected a lecture or at the very least a threat. Instead, they found humor in his predicament. “Let me expl—”

Maggie brushed past him. “There is no need, Crispin.”

“Crispin? Oh, I cannot wait to hear more.” Evelyn raised her eyebrows at him as she linked her arms through Maggie’s and led her away.

Eden smirked. “Neither can I.” She turned back toward Dracott. “You need to make your return to the box too, or else Reese will grow more suspicious of your absence. However, wait a few minutes after our return.” She strolled away, but not before issuing one more command. Her finger twirled in the air, pointing from the top of his head to the bottom of his feet. “And do not forget to straighten yourself. You look thoroughly ravished.”

Dracott closed his eyes in frustration. When he opened them again, Maggie was no longer in his sight. He sensed her disappointment in him and hoped she didn’t change her mind about their courtship. Because after holding her in his arms and tasting her charms this evening, it was no longer about protecting her but claiming her as his.

He shut the door before any passerby saw him. Looking down at himself, he noticed his shirt had become untucked and his cravat loosened. He straightened his clothing and smoothed his hair back. He hoped he looked presentable enough to face the Worthington clan. His brother would take one look at him and know what kind of mischief he had gotten himself into. Perhaps if he lingered in the hallway long enough, he could sneak inside the box after the play started again.

However, his luck remained elusive this evening. Once he reached the Worthington box, a hand latched onto his arm and dragged him inside. He tensed, unsure how to act. But when Worth muttered in his ear, “I need your help,” Dracott relaxed.

So far, one brother didn’t hold a clue about how inappropriate he had acted with his sister. He should feel a sense of guilt, but Dracott meant what he had told Maggie. He didn’t regret their time together. And if one suffered guilt, then one must also hold regret.

Worthington stepped in their path, looking at Dracott with suspicion. “Nice of you to join us again, Lord Dracott.”

“Sod off, Reese, and stop trying to intimidate my assistant,” Worth growled.

Worthington glared at them. “I would not have to if your assistant conducted himself befitting his station.”

Worth barked out a laugh. “Station? He is a bloody viscount. A peer. He may be down on his luck regarding having no coin to his name. However, it wasn’t long ago that you were in the same predicament. What gives you the right with your pompous attitude?”

Worthington defended himself. “When he acts inappropriate with our sister, it gives me every right.”

“From what Eden told me, he only acted as a gentleman with Maggie. An act he corrected because of my fault. Was our sister correct in the information she relayed or did she play me false?” Worth demanded.

Worthington growled. “No, she was correct. However, it does not explain his absence at the same time as our sister’s absence from the box during intermission.”

Evelyn slid her arm through her husband’s. “I already explained away Maggie’s absence. She was in the retiring room checking to see if her dress had dried. She wanted to give Mama her shawl back.”

“Humph,” Worthington muttered, keeping his glare focused on Dracott.

“Dracott has been with me the entire time, so take your inquisition elsewhere,” Worth ordered before stomping away to sit down.