“Maggie does not like you.”

“Nonsense. She is always polite to me.”

Dracott smirked. “Because her mother has taught her to keep her true opinion hidden and to herself. She believes you cover up your true character with lies.”


“Do not fret, dear brother. I convinced her to allow me to look into your character to see if I can discover your hidden secrets. Oh, the information I can lay at her feet,” Dracott threatened.

“However, you won’t because you will not betray your own kin.”

Dracott shrugged. “For the love of a good woman, who knows what I might do?”

“You bastard.”

Dracott pulled down the sleeves of his suit coat. “Yes. We have already established that fact of my birth. Now I must arrive at work. I am already behind schedule after taking a walk with Maggie and the Worthingtons this morning. You see, I have received Lord Worthington’s permission to court Lady Margaret. It appears both of our lives are now financially set for the future.”

“You will ruin us with that move.”

“’Tis too late. I already set it in motion.”

Dracott turned and walked away, leaving his brother to mull over his actions. With his bit of news, Dracott hoped it would prompt his brother to think of a plan for them to survive Lady L’s wrath and secure them a future with the Worthington ladies. Because after this morning, he refused to allow Margaret Worthington to be anything other than his wife.


MAGGIE STROLLED INSIDE their box at the theater with a calmness far from what she felt. However, she didn’t want her family to guess how eagerly she wanted to see Crispin. She kept saying his name over and over in her thoughts. It rolled off her tongue like a verse to a song and wrapped her in an intimacy she wanted to share with him. She had only walked a few steps inside when she noticed him waiting for them to arrive.

He leaned against the railing, holding a flute of champagne. Graham rattled on, probably discussing their latest case. Her brother struggled to break away from obsessing over his work. Their mother worried he would never find a nice girl to marry. If so, his business would be an unwelcome mistress.

However, it would appear Lord Dracott didn’t hold the same obsession. His attention had gravitated toward her ever since she entered the theatre box. He lifted his glass in a toast, acknowledging her presence, and his gaze stayed focused on her. Maggie beamed a smile at him, and he returned her smile. Then he walked away from Graham without a word and sauntered over to her.

Maggie laughed at her brother’s dumbfounded expression, and Graham scowled at her. However, it didn’t take long for someone else to snag Graham’s attention. Maggie followed his gaze to see a stunning lady dressed in a revealing midnight-blue gown across the way from them. The lady stood too far away to make out her features, but she had captured Graham’s attention. When the lady slipped out of the box, Graham pushed past Dracott on his way out, knocking him into Maggie.

Cool liquid splashed Maggie in the chest and trickled between her breasts. She gasped and tried pulling the fabric away from her body.

“I am terribly sorry, Lady Margaret,” Dracott apologized.

He tried not to stare, but the wetness seeped into Maggie’s dress and drew his attention to her breasts. The champagne trailed a path down the valley of her chest, and the wetness spread out across her nipples, hardening them into tight buds. He groaned at the sight—and his inconvenient thought of acting on his desire by drawing them between his lips. Dracott pulled out his handkerchief and thrust it into Maggie’s hand.

Maggie gasped when Dracott’s hand brushed across her nipples. The handkerchief barely covered her chest. She glanced around, mortified, to see if anyone noticed how her body reacted to Dracott’s touch. When her family continued to talk amongst one another and paid them no attention, she twisted around so no one would notice.

Dracott tugged off his suit coat and wrapped it around Maggie’s shoulders before anyone became aware of her dilemma. However, his gentlemanly attempt brought them more attention than her wet gown ever would.

“Step back from my sister,” Worthington ordered. “You have overstepped your bounds with your impropriety.”

Maggie turned around, holding the suit coat in front of her chest. “Reese! Apologize immediately. If it were not for Lord Dracott’s consideration, the entire theater would witness my disgrace.”

Dracott backed away. “My apologies. I did not intend to cause any disrespect.”

Worthington snarled. “Your actions speak otherwise.”

Maggie stepped between Dracott and Reese. “You misunderstand. Lord Dracott only intended to protect me from any prying eyes.”

“It appears he staked his claim on your innocence by marking you as his property,” Worthington accused.

Maggie stomped her foot. “Your overprotectiveness is the only act drawing attention to my innocence.”

Lady Worthington stepped between her children. “Both of you calm down. You have gained the other patrons’ attention with your quarrel. Let me take this coat from you, Maggie, to return to Lord Dracott.” She pulled the coat away from her daughter.