Her mother shook her head in disappointment while Graham snickered at the silent reprimand. The look Evelyn and Reese exchanged confused her. However, it was the stranger’s response that awoke Maggie from her disenchanted view of proper decorum.

He stepped forward and murmured low enough for only Maggie’s ears, “Proper behavior is always a bore when one would rather just truly be themselves.” Then his voice rose for everyone to hear. “It is a pleasure to meet you, Lady Margaret.”

Maggie stared at him in a daze. His comment spoke the truth of her viewpoint on the subject. Why couldn’t it be so simple? Why must one pretend to be someone they are not? Her mind wandered again as she contemplated his comment, and she forgot to acknowledge him again.

“Margaret Ann,” her mother hissed.

Maggie swung her gaze to the gentleman to find his amused smile beaming down at her. He was extremely tall. “The pleasure is all mine . . .” Maggie paused, unable to finish since she had missed how she should address him.

“Lord Dracott,” Graham spoke in a dramatic stage whisper.

Maggie rolled her eyes at Graham. “Lord Dracott, I hope you enjoy your visit.”

He nodded. “I hope one day I might. For now, my visit is only for overnight before I return to London.”

“You are not staying long?” Maggie shifted her attention back to Graham.

Graham shrugged. “’Fraid not.”

Lord Dracott forgotten, Maggie pouted over losing her only ally. But after Graham’s comments when he arrived, she realized she had lost her last chance to navigate her way out of the season. It would appear she must endure the drudgery the ton would surely provide for her amusement. If she had to spend the next few months wearing a polite smile through many torturous dances, picnics, soirees, musicals, and countless balls, then she would enjoy her remaining days outdoors. And she would enjoy those moments now.

“Mother, may I retire to my room to write a letter for Graham to deliver to Eden?”

“You may.” Her mother granted Maggie permission to leave.

Maggie rushed to her bedchamber to change. After she slammed the door, she discarded each piece of her attire into piles spread about the room. Then she dug into the wardrobe and pulled out a pair of breeches and one of Graham’s old lawn shirts. After she yanked on her boots and tied her hair on top of her head with a hat pulled over the long tresses, she snuck down the servant’s staircase. She closed her eyes, breathed in the fresh air, and let the warm sunshine wash away the dread of her future days to come.

On her way to the stables, she stopped to admire the beauty surrounding her. The green fields sprinkled with wildflowers beckoned her to enjoy what time she had left. Maggie took off in a sprint to reach the stables and saddle Penelope. Without taking a single glance back at Worthington Hall, Maggie rode off to catch every ray of sunshine the day held.


CRISPIN DRACOTT WATCHED Lady Margaret and her magnificent steed ride away. The lady was an enchanting creature he wished to become better acquainted with. But if he allowed himself that pleasure, it would jeopardize what he had worked for this past year.

With each day, he drew closer to losing the shackles that kept him locked in a prison of his own demise, one he had been too young to understand when forced into the illicit underworld of money and danger. Recently, greed and destruction had awakened him into wanting a better life for himself. After he finished this last assignment, he would be free to live his remaining days repenting for his crimes.

The last thing he needed was a spoiled debutante distracting him. Even one as amusing as Margaret Worthington—or Maggie, as her family called her. She fit the name perfectly. Young and carefree without a worry in the world, a position he had never had the fortune to experience. However, he wondered how it would feel if he allowed himself to indulge in the fantasy.

But he didn’t have the luxury of indulging in the beauty. Nor would Graham Worthington allow him anywhere near his sister. The gentleman may find amusement in Maggie’s antics, but beneath all the teasing, Worth would be a fierce protector of his sister’s innocence. In truth, Dracott didn’t want Maggie to lose any of her naivety because of his influence, no matter how tempting of a package she may be.

And she was very tempting indeed. With her dark, luxurious hair hanging down her back in curls. Curves she probably didn’t fully appreciate yet. And the most gorgeous backside he had ever seen. Her arse molded into her saddle as her thighs gripped the horse’s flanks. Dracott broke out into a sweat imagining Maggie straddling him.

As for the rest of her body, the dress she had worn earlier was too prim and proper for him to know what other delights her body held. And the lawn shirt she wore now hung on her body, hiding her curves, much to his disappointment.

Evelyn Worthington spoke next to him. “I hope you do not think too unkindly of my sister-in-law. She is reluctant to begin her first season. If you cannot tell, she enjoys horses more than polite company.”

Dracott dragged his gaze away from the window and focused on the lady before him. He hoped he didn’t draw attention to his interest in Maggie. “I have no unkind opinion of the lady. In fact, I only envy her ability to not allow society to dictate her actions.”

Evelyn laughed. “I will admit we try to rein them in from time to time. But Maggie has a spirit that cannot be contained.”

Dracott glanced back outside, even though the topic of their conversation had ridden out of his view. “Well, for her sake, I hope Lady Margaret is allowed to keep her spirit alive. For she will need it once she makes her debut.”

After he made his comment, Lady Worthington pinched her lips and scrutinized him, and he feared he had revealed his interest. However, she soon graced him with a smile again. “I hope so too.”

Dracott breathed a sigh of relief when young Mina started fussing on her father’s lap. The earl stood with the toddler, murmuring in her ear. Lady Worthington rushed to their side and rubbed her hand along the child’s back. The earl smiled fondly at his wife, and the countess blushed a lovely shade of pink.

Dracott’s gaze traveled around the parlor to see how Worth and his mother reacted to the intimate exchange. Smiles rested on their faces as they watched the small family. However, Dracott realized that even though his boss and his mother stood outside of the exchange, they were part of the affection shared. Even with a stranger in the room, they displayed nothing but genuine fondness. This family was a novelty he had never witnessed before.

He was always one to adapt to his environment and could easily implement himself into this family and belong. However, if he thought Maggie was a temptation to avoid, a warm and caring family was the ultimate risk he must stay away from. Because they were the picture of what his dreams represented for himself, dreams that would never become a reality.

No matter how much he wished otherwise.