“Did you enjoy my kiss?” He waited right before Worthington and Lady Evelyn stepped in front of the bench before he asked his question, not allowing Maggie any time to answer him.

His question left her flustered because it reminded her of his exquisite kiss, one she had fantasized about countless times, wishing for another one. Now the memory teased her while her brother frowned at her. Maggie didn’t need a mirror to see how her face betrayed her thoughts, with a warm blush spreading across her cheeks and along her neck.

Dracott rose when the Worthingtons approached the bench. The earl glared at him, expressing that their walk had come to an end.

Dracott pulled out his timepiece and noted the late hour. As much as he yearned to spend the entire day with Maggie, he must leave. “Thank you for the lovely walk, Lady Margaret. I hope we can enjoy another one soon. In the meantime, I apologize, for I must depart.”

“I understand. Thank you, Lord Dracott. I enjoyed our time together. Perhaps I will have an answer to your question when you join our family tomorrow evening at the theater.” Maggie offered him an impish smile.

Dracott nodded, a smile tugging on his lips. “I wait with anticipation for your answer.” He turned. “Good day, Lord and Lady Worthington.”

“Dracott,” Worthington grumbled.

“Have a pleasant day, Lord Dracott,” Evelyn replied.

A soft sigh whispered past Maggie’s lips as she watched Crispin walk away. Crispin. He gave her permission to call him by his Christian name, an intimacy only allowed between married couples. She couldn’t wait until tomorrow evening when she would see him again. Hopefully alone.

Worthington scowled. “What was Dracott’s question?”

“Mmm,” Maggie murmured. Crispin had walked out of her view, but she still kept her gaze on the path he had taken.

“What did Dracott want an answer to?” Worthington demanded, stepping in her eyesight.

Why did it not surprise her that Reese wouldn’t allow her one private moment from her courtship? As much as Evelyn tried to soften him, he remained a forcible boulder in her path to freedom.

Maggie twirled the ribbon on her bonnet around her finger. “He only wished to learn my favorite sweet.”

Worthington’s eyes narrowed when he noticed her act. “Chocolate. ‘Tis a simple answer you could have answered in our company. Yet you did not. Which leads me to ask you again. What was his question?”

Evelyn wrapped her hand around Reese’s, helping to calm him. “My dear, let us not interfere with Maggie’s courtship when they only held a harmless conversation. If it progresses past the point of innocence, then you may interfere however you like. For now, we owe Maggie her privacy. No one interfered during our courtship.”

Worthington gazed upon his wife with amusement. “What courtship, my dear?” he teased.

Evelyn blushed. “Exactly.”

He lowered his head and kissed his wife. Then he whispered something in Evelyn’s ear to turn her cheeks a deep shade of red. “I concede.” He focused his attention on Maggie. “For now.”

Maggie met her brother’s stare, not cowering. She smiled innocently to goad him even more.

Reese shook his head at her. “If you ladies are ready, we can return home.”

Evelyn stood on her tiptoes and kissed Reese on the cheek. “I think Maggie and I will finish our walk. I know you wish to meet with Uncle Theo.”

Reese frowned, not wanting to leave. But if he didn’t, he would miss the urgent meeting with Evelyn’s uncle. “Do not overdo it. Ten more minutes, then make sure Evelyn returns home to rest.”

Maggie nodded and watched Reese fuss over Evelyn before striding away. Evelyn sighed the same way Maggie had done when Crispin left. Did Maggie care for Crispin so deeply this early in their courtship? She must because her behavior replicated her sister-in-law’s actions too closely.

They walked for a few minutes in silence before Evelyn guided them to sit on the same bench she had shared with Crispin. “Now spill, dear sister.”

“My congratulations?”

Evelyn avoided Maggie’s gaze. “Whatever for?”

Maggie rolled her eyes. “Please. My brother is doting on you like he did when you carried Mina. So when will I become an aunt again?”

Evelyn’s boisterous laughter caused many heads to turn their way. “Oh, you are too clever. However, you hold no proof of your accusation. Your brother dotes on me, regardless of my condition. He loves me.”

Maggie sighed. “Of course he loves you. We all do.”