Maggie felt the warmth of Dracott against her back. She imagined his eyes caressing her. Did he ache to kiss her as much as she ached for his lips to possess her? She wished they were alone. Maggie wanted to hug him to show her gratitude for his offer to help with her suspicions. And if the hug happened to turn into a kiss? Well, she would have no complaint with that.

When a set of hands rested on her shoulders and a head bent to whisper in her ear, her eyes widened and she stiffened. Dracott wouldn’t act so boldly to touch her in front of her family. Would he?

“A pleasure? The poor bloke doesn’t know you quite well yet. Does he, Mags?” Graham teased.

Maggie swatted at him. “I thought you had to leave.”

Graham chuckled. “I will miss you too.”

Maggie rolled her eyes. After the gentlemen left, she rose and prepared herself a plate worthy of eating. When she returned to the table, she found three sets of eyes focused on her, watching her with amusement.

“What?” Maggie growled.

“Nothing, my dear. Did you enjoy your conversation with Lord Dracott?” Lady Worthington asked.

“Mmm,” Maggie answered, filling her mouth with eggs.

“She appears quite taken with him,” Eden commented.

“Who is Maggie taken with?” Evelyn asked, strolling into the breakfast room with Mina on her hip.

“Lord Dracott,” Noel said.

Evelyn sat down, settling Mina on her lap. “I believe he is taken with her, too.”

Maggie stilled, taking in Evelyn’s comment. Was he? She didn’t dare ponder this new information in front of them. She sensed their gazes centered on her, so she continued eating, never once joining the conversation. Her feelings for Lord Dracott were too new, and she didn’t wish to share how he made her feel yet. If ever.

“He presents himself as a nice enough gentleman. What is Reese’s opinion of Lord Dracott?” Mama asked Evelyn.

“He is undecided. While he wishes for Maggie to find a more established gentleman, he wouldn’t stand in their way if Lord Dracott is her choice.”

“Mmm,” Mama murmured, scrutinizing Maggie. “We shall continue with the debut and socializing. Lord Dracott has yet to express his intentions, and until he does, we must give Maggie every opportunity to meet other gentlemen.”

Noel voiced her opinion. “Lord Dracott is very handsome. Not quite as divine as Ravencroft, but he is perfect for Maggie.”

Eden gasped. “Not quite as divine as Ravencroft? Then he will not do at all.”

Everyone but Noel burst into laughter. But when Mina quoted Eden with “Not at all,” Noel joined in. Ever since Noel’s first season, she had rated every gentleman as divine. However, only Ravencroft held the title of the most divine. Maggie must reward her niece for distracting her mother to stop discussing her future. She may find Lord Dracott interesting, but it didn’t mean she wanted to spend the rest of her life with him.

“Can I take Mina to the park?” Maggie asked Evelyn.

Evelyn wiped jelly off Mina’s cheek. “What do you say, poppet? Would you like to visit the park with Maggie?”

Mina clapped her hands. “Yay. Yay. Park.”

Maggie gathered Mina and carried her upstairs for a coat and bonnet. She hoped a bit of fresh air would help clear the foolish thoughts floating through her head. Her family’s opinion of Lord Dracott’s interest only gave Maggie hope.

But was it a foolish hope?