Page 61 of Amor in the 305

“Yeah, I’m fine. Sorry, my phone distracted me, but you’re right. Last Sunday he came by my place but I was so upset I didn’t want to see him. I needed space to ensure I had a clear head before having the conversation, otherwise I’d say and do things I regret. I also didn’t want to be in a position to let him smooth talk his way out of it. Then I left for work, but I’ll call him soon so we can finally have our conversation.”

“He looked worried. He had dark circles around his eyes when I saw him.”

“So, you think it’s possible he wasn’t legally married to this girl?”

Dayi slides her wine glass across the table. “For sure! I know more couples who are Cuban married than actually married.”

“He did tell me he loved me before all this went down. I believed him too. After Saturday, I don’t know what I can believe anymore.”

“Look, I’ve only met him a handful of times, but he seems legit. My bullshit meter is strong!”

“Melida said the same thing,” I tell her.

Dayi shifted the topic of conversation from my drama with Amaury to some drama in the office the other day with the people in the suite next door and how they could overhear the entire thing as it unfolded. Something about one of the employees who was caught stealing. Honestly, my head wasn’t into the conversation, which is terrible of me. I don’t want Dayi to think I only care about myself.

Dinner was delicious and as we’re walking out, Dayi says, “Let’s hit up the Purdy Lounge. Even though it’s Saturday night, it’s chill there.” Part of me wants to call it a night but I decide to hang out for a bit longer.

“I’ll go for a little while. It’s been a long week.” I follow her on the short ride from the restaurant to West Avenue, where we find parking and walk the two blocks to the lounge.

“I hope Oscar is working the bar tonight. I have a crush on him. I’ve been waiting for him to ask me out but so far,nada. I might have to make the first move.”

“Why don’t you ask him out then?”

“One of these days. I want to get to know him better before I do.” Once inside, we find a spot near the far end of the bar and nestle into the vacant space.

The Purdy Lounge is a local bar and nightclub that isn’t the typical South Beach vibe. It’s mostly locals, with nights ranging from live music and reggae to game nights. It’s Dayi’s favorite bar and I can see why. The crowd is laid-back and not pretentious, a stark contrast to the rest of the nightclubs in South Beach.

“Hey, Dayi. Good to see you.” Oscar’s smile stretches across his face, his jet-black hair accentuating his pale skin.

“Hi Oscar, this is my friend, Sol. I’ll have a margarita. Sol, whatcha drinking?”

“Ice water, please. I’ve had enough wine and need to get home soon.”

“Water? What a buzzkill!”

“Hey, someone’s gotta be responsible,” I say, giving her a nudge with my shoulder. “But seriously, I have to ride my moped home and we drank two bottles of wine at dinner.”

After Oscar returns with our drinks, he’s chatting with Dayi and my mind wanders to Amaury. I can’t stop thinking about my conversation earlier with Dayi and how maybe he isn’t legally married. I grab my phone to send Amaury a text message. I type and delete numerous times, unsure of what to write him and decide to keep it simple.


Before I can even put my phone down, his response appears on my screen.

Amaury:Hola. I’ve been waiting to hear from you. Are you OK?

Sol:Yeah. You?

Amaury:Not good. I miss you. We need to talk.

Sol:Yes, we definitely do. Are you around tomorrow?

Amaury:Yes. Time?

Sol:Early afternoon?

Amaury:Yes, I’ll go over at noon.

Sol:See youmañana. Good night.