Page 46 of Amor in the 305

“Detective Suarez,” says the woman, black hair pulled back into a ponytail. “We’re with Miami Beach PD and this is Detective Vidal.” She points to the young guy standing to her left, a military style buzz cut and dark mole on his chin. “Is this the first you’re seeing this?”

I nod in agreement. “I only know because he called me,” I respond, gesturing to Eduardo.

“They took a few helmets, and two of the Yamaha scooters we had for sale, the black one and the dark blue one. They were searching for cash because the register is open but the safe is still locked,” says Eduardo.

“What happened with the alarm?” I ask.

“Disabled,” answers Detective Suarez. I push my hands through my hair frustrated at how my day has started out, and it’s not even ten yet.

“Do you have surveillance cameras?” asks Detective Vidal.

“No,” both Eduardo and I answer in unison.

“We need a new alarm system,” I say.

“I suggest installing surveillance cameras,” adds Detective Vidal.

“Anyone you can think of that would do this?” asks Detective Suarez.

“You think it’s someone we know?” asks Eduardo.

“Maybe not directly. Oftentimes it’s an acquaintance of someone you know that’ll commit the crime. If that’s the case, the person you know may have no knowledge the crime was gonna be committed,” Detective Suarez explains.

My head shakes. “I no have problems with anyone,” I say.

After speaking with the officers a bit longer, I ask if they can finish up with Eduardo so I can drive to the other store to check on things. I haven’t heard from my employee today, which makes me think there are no issues at the West Avenue store. When I pull up in front of the store on West Ave. everything seems normal, and David is inside sitting at the desk.

“Everything okay this morning?” I ask David as I cross the showroom.

“Yeah, why wouldn’t it be?” he responds.

I update him on what happened at the other location and David tells me there was nothing out of the ordinary here, the alarm was still engaged when he arrived, and nothing was out of place.

“UPS delivered us a bunch of parts, I put the boxes in the garage,” David says.

“Thank you.”

In the open garage Roxy sits along the back wall, next to the entrance of the office. We brought her here yesterday so I can put on the rear case Sol’s been wanting. I’m expecting the part to be inside one of the boxes that arrived today. Once I find it, I’ll secure it to the back of the scooter. Sol wants to start using her scooter more but needs the case for the extra storage space. It’s much easier to get around Miami Beach on a scooter than in a car. Parking is difficult and traffic is always intense. With the scooter everything is quicker and simpler.

An image of Sol sitting on the desk with no shirt flashes through my mind. The swell of her breasts in her gray and black bra, her olive skin taunting me, her scent like a drug. Stopping myself was one of the most difficult things I’ve ever done because exercising self-control around Sol is hard. I want everything with her, yet I know it needs to be at her pace. Although she’s allowing me to love and worship her, there’s still something holding her back, but she won’t talk about it—not that I’ve asked her. I wonder if she’ll ever tell me what she’s so scared of. I’ll have to pry the information from her on one of the days she’s generous with herself and feels like sharing.

Once I locate the top case for Roxy, I begin installing it. Securing it to the moped takes me less than fifteen minutes. I had planned on taking it to Sol right away, but I’ll take Roxy home to her another time. Right now, I have a surprise for her and there’s nothing I want more than to see my girl.



My phone pings with a text message notification. When I grab it, I see Amaury’s name on the screen.

Amaury:I’m outside. Get your helmet, and wear sneakers or boots. And bring something with long sleeves.

I scroll through the project I’m working on then glance at my watch. Fuck it. May as well take a break.

Soledad:Where are we going?

Before I can put my phone down, Amaury responds.

Amaury:One of my favorite places.