Page 33 of Amor in the 305

“Meanwhile, I’ve barely eaten them, well at least until I moved here. Now I eat them a lot,” she proclaims, and lifts herself up to sit on the counter. I gaze at her, her curls cascading around her squared jaw.

“Muñeca, me tienes loco,” I mumble, grasping onto her curvy hips and pulling her into me, dropping kisses along her neck. She must know she’s driving me crazy as she wraps her legs around me while practically naked.

Funny, in that moment “Brujeria” by El Gran Combo de Puerto Rico starts playing because the lyrics match my thoughts. What has this woman done to me? It feels like witchcraft. She has me feeling crazy and in love. “You have salsa music on your playlist?” I ask, trying to calm my erratic thoughts.

She nods and leaps off the counter. “I love it. I just wish I could dance it better.” She extends her hand out. “Come on, let’s dance now and you can teach me some of your moves.” She throws her head back in laughter.

“I no a good teacher. You have to feel the music, listen to the beats.Cuentawhile you step. One, two, three, and then repeat.” I grasp onto her hip pulling her to me and envelop her right hand in mine. “Listen, count, and follow.”

As we move to the music Sol’s eyes watch her feet in concentration, not letting the music carry her, which confuses her.

“Sol, deja que la música te lleve,” I tell her. If she would let the music guide her, the beats tell your body how it should move. “You think too much. Let the music in, your body will follow.”

“Easy for you to say. You’re a natural at this,” she huffs, frustrated.

“Start the song again,perothis time, let me see your eyes while we dance.” Sol does as instructed and when she isn’t thinking about how to dance, she moves well and lets me lead her through the spins and twirls.

“Let me change the playlist, play only salsa music so we can dance some more,” she says, scurrying across the room to grab her phone.

After a few songs of our bodies rubbing up against each other and her perk nipples visible under the soft cotton tee, I can’t control the tightness in my jeans any longer. If I’m reading Sol’s body language correctly, she’s ready for me again too.

Sol strides toward the couch and sprawls herself across the white cushions, pulling my gray shirt up and off, leaving her naked except for the lacy red underwear stretching across her skin. “Amaury,” she says, as she lifts her legs letting her hands drag along the inside of her thighs.

“Dime, muñeca,” I need her to tell me what she wants from me but my words are barely a whisper as they fall from my lips. With each move she makes, each word that falls from her lips, I fall deeper under her spell.



Two months later

Today is my first day in the office after finishing a two-week jury trial where I was the primary interpreter for the defense. The jury verdict came back and the client was found not guilty. The case was centered around drug trafficking and the person on trial was facing life in prison. It’s a big deal here in Miami as there were news cameras all over the place, including inside the courtroom.

I’m sitting in my office when Melida’s name flashes across my phone.

“Hey Mel, what’s up?”

“I just saw you on TV!” My back stiffens.

“What? Where?”

“On CNN. You were in the courtroom, and they were talking about the case where the guy was found not guilty. They kept showing the clip of you next to him.” Panic creeps in as Melida tells me she saw me on CNN.

“This can’t be happening. I cannot be on national TV.” I slump in my chair. There were a lot of news networks there, but all of them were local. Never did I imagine it would make national news.

“It’s fine. It’s like a five second clip of you.”

“Yeah, a five second clip that you said the network kept showing.” My breath quickens as I begin to think of who could’ve seen it, primarily Carmine.

“Hey, Sol, you okay?”

“I’m freaking out, Mel. Not gonna lie. What if Carmine sees it?”

“You’re freaking out for no reason. You’re safe, you’re not in Boston anymore and just because your face was on TV in a courtroom, doesn’t mean he can find you. Breathe.” She’s right, but it doesn’t make me feel any better.

“Sol. Stop. I already know what you’re doing. Don’t overthink it. Let’s change the subject. Friday can’t come soon enough. The next two days are gonna drag.”

“I’m wicked excited to see you,” I say, trying to convince myself. “Although I’ve made a friend, it’s not the same without you.”