Page 14 of Amor in the 305

“Te extrañe,” he says. “We barely know each other but I missed you,mucho.” His touch burns my skin and lights a fire within.

“I’d be lying if I said I didn’t think about you too,” I murmur. I can’t believe I said that. It’s like I don’t know myself when he’s near me. Thinking and feeling things I shouldn’t, saying things I should keep to myself. His fiery touch mixed with his deep, sultry voice laced with a thick accent has me all worked up, intensifying the tingling between my legs.

“¿Sí? Good, it’s decided then. We can see each other again and go out.”

“Um.” I draw my hand away from his, push my curls away from my face. “We can talk and then see about going out sometime.”

“Está bien. I can be patient.” He rewards me with a crooked smile.

“You choose a helmet?” I shake my head. “For you,me gustathis one—red with a black swirl design.” He grabs a helmet from the bottom shelf and holds it out to me, tracing the design with his left fingers. It’s an open face model covering the ears with a front visor.

I pull the elastic from my hair, letting my curls fall over my back and take the helmet from him, pushing it onto my head. “I like it and it fits good. Just need to figure out what to do with my hair when I ride,” I say, staring at my reflection in the mirror to the right of the helmet shelf.

“You already choose a scooter?”

“Yes. The red Vespa over there,” I say, pointing to where my new ride is on display. I remove the helmet and muss my hair a bit. “Eduardo is doing the paperwork.”

“¡Perfecto! This helmet will matchtu nueva motoneta,” he says, grabbing the helmet from my hands. “You decide what you will name her?”

I glance at him, a smile oozing from me. “I thought I was weird for naming my vehicles, but it turns out you do the same thing.”

“Ah, yes.Es muy importanteto give your new scooter the perfect name and it must be a woman’s name because the Vespaes clásica. She’s beautiful and hascurvas. He drags the fingers of his right hand along my jawline, causing goosebumps to spread across my skin. “Como tú,” he finishes.

I need to get control of myself. Mr. Handsome has barely spoken or touched me and I’m all flustered and out of sorts. I separate myself from him. “I haven’t named her yet, I’ll let you know when I do.”

“Ven. Let’s see if Eduardo is finished.” He tucks the helmet under his left arm and then rests his hand on my waist, leading me toward the desk area.

“Eduardo,te acuerdasthe womanla noche enBall & Chain. This is her, Soledad.”

“Ah, the mystery woman! I was starting to think she was only in your imagination. He’s talked about you every day since that night. Today you have made him a happy man.” Eduardo’s words surprise me. Amaury and I spent less than two hours together, yet he’s thought and talked about me for months.

The ringing of the front door’s alert bell interrupts us and Amaury tells Eduardo, “I finish helping Sol, you help him.” He points to the man that just walked into the showroom.

“I’ve already finished the forms, she just needs to review and sign them,” Eduardo says, then strides toward the gentleman perusing the scooters.

“You know how to ride this, or do you need lessons?” Amaury asks.

“I’m pretty sure I know how. I haven’t ridden one in years but I’m sure it’s like riding a bike,” I respond, pulling a curl around my fingers. Nerves pool in my belly because what if I don’t remember how to. Thankfully, my apartment is only a few blocks away so I should be okay.

The forms seem to be in order, and I sign them, pay for the helmet and scooter.

Amaury went to get a new helmet in the back. When he returns, he says, “Vamos, I bring it outside for you and get you ready to go,sí?”

Outside Amaury parked my new red beauty in the shade along the sidewalk.

“EntoncesSol, when I can see you?” he asks, stepping into me and caressing my jawline.

I lift my eyes to his. “I don’t know. My cell phone number is on the forms inside. Call or text me and we can figure something out.” I’m not ready to commit to anything just yet.

“Okay.Hacemos las cosas a tu manera,” he says, reluctantly agreeing to do things at my pace. “I want you to be readypa’ lo que viene,” he proclaims and presses his thumb to my lips, tracing them from left to right. I’m grateful he isn’t pushing more. I’m into him but I’m nervous. A new relationship wouldn’t be the worst thing, but regardless of what we do, I need to take it slow. I don’t even know if I’m ready for a relationship again.



I watch Soledad ride off on her new Vespa, my heart thrumming in my chest from spending the last thirty minutes with her. When we met and she didn’t give me her number, I was sure it would be the last time I ever saw her.Es nuestro destinothat she walked into my shop today. I’ve always been a big believer in destiny, and today’s events show it’s a good thing. When I can no longer see her or the Vespa, I turn on my heel and head back inside.

“Bro,tremendo cañón, you in love!” exclaims Eduardo as soon as I walk through the door.