Page 29 of Amor in the 305

“I—” She swallows words rather than letting them free.

“I can join you on the bed?” She nods and scoots back. I toss the condom to her left and remove my underwear, stroking myself as I climb onto the bed. Sol is gazing at me, lust burning at the rims of her tawny gaze.

Sol reaches for her panties and begins removing them. “Leave them,” I say. “I want you to wear them while I’m inside of you.” She swallows again, then reaches for the condom on the bed, handing it to me.

“You ready for me to put this on?” I ask, tearing the wrapper open and glancing up at her, locking my eyes with hers. Again, Sol nods and licks her lips as she watches me. She has no words but she’s speaking to me with each gesture, movement, and glance. After I sheath myself, I grasp onto her curvy hips and pull her close to me. She leans back onto her elbows and spreads her wings for me, inviting me into her sacred place. I slide the panties to the side and fill her, letting her grip me into oblivion.



I stir awake and when I stretch my arm across the bed to search for Amaury, I feel the cool sheets under my fingers, which causes me to quickly sit up. I glance over to the floor where he left his clothes last night and they’re gone.

He’s gone.

I should’ve known he’d sleep with me then disappear! I shove my face in my pillow and let out a muffled scream.I’m so stupid.

After throwing my robe on I make my way to the bathroom and stare at myself in the mirror.What’s wrong with you? I whisper to myself. Why do I attract men like this who are only into themselves? Tears leak from my eyes, and I allow myself to feel somber. At least I learned what type of guy he is early on, saving me heartache down the line.

After a few minutes, I brush my teeth, splash some water on my face, and head to the kitchen. When I reach for the coffee machine, I catch a glimpse of a handwritten note.

Went running – see you later,besos– A.

I guess my meltdown was for nothing. I thought I had endured being humiliated and abandoned by yet another man. But for once, I was wrong. I smile, thinking about him and how good he made me feel. When I sit to have my coffee, and pick up my phone, I see a text message from him.

Amaury:Muñeca, you looked beautiful sleeping this morning & I no want to bother you. See you later?

His words cause my belly to stir. At first him calling memuñeca, or doll, felt weird and I wasn’t sure how I felt about it but it’s grown on me. Of course I want to see him.

Amaury called earlier asking if I wanted to go with him to his friend’s house. They’re having a get-together, which is something he told me they do at least once a month. Initially I wasn’t sure but kept hearing Melida’s voice telling me to not overthink it. As we’re driving south on the Palmetto Expressway, Amaury rests his hand on my leg, rubbing his thumb and index fingers in a back-and-forth motion. “Let me warn you, my friend Alainestá siempre jodiendo, he’s the funny guy of the group. You’re new so he’ll make jokes about me, and maybe you too. But he’s only playing, no listen to him.”

Great. I’m already super nervous about meeting Amaury’s circle. His family doesn’t live here so his friends are the next best thing. For sure I’ll turn beet red when Alain starts with the jokes. I’m not good at being on the spot, and don’t like the attention on me, which tonight it will be since I’m the new girl infiltrating the group. Just remember to breathe, Sol.

“Okay. I’ll keep that in mindcuando estoy nerviosa. I tend to get nervous in new situations around people I don’t know,” I say, twirling my hair as I stare out the window.

“I remember when we met, you were quiet. Now I know you,yno tanto,” he adds, his smile stretching across his face.

“Is that your way of telling me I talk too much?” I ask, smacking his hand.

He shakes his head. “I love hearing you talk, your accent …me calienta,” he confesses, pulling his bottom lip under his teeth. Knowing he gets turned on when I speak to him causes my belly to stir with desire.

“You’re beautiful when you blush. It’s the same face you hadcuando tuviste un orgasmolast night.” My heart thumps in my chest and my breath quickens as I think about last night’s memories—him drawing my orgasm from me with his hands, his mouth, and his body. I peek at him briefly and smirk before turning to look out the window, twisting the curls in my fingers.

We park along the swale in front of the house and grab the beers and other groceries from the trunk. “¿Estás lista?” he asks.

“As ready as I’ll ever be,” I respond, forcing a smile. My belly is tight from the nerves twisting.

Instead of going through the front door, we walk around the side of the house and the backyard is full. There has to be at least twenty people back here. The rock music is blaring through the speakers. I still can’t get used to the fact Amaury, and his friends, are into heavy metal and rock. I don’t know why but it’s not something I imagined, wrong as that may be. I assumed because they’re Latino, they like Latino music like salsa or reggaeton. How wrong I was.

As we enter the yard, I see a full kitchen underneath an overhang and we drop the beer and groceries on the counter.

“Oye mi hermano, qué vuelta,” says Alain. That’s a greeting I’d never heard until moving to Miami, one used predominantly by Cubans. Funny how despite speaking the same language, we have so many differences between us.

“Estaes la jeva, Sol,” Amaury says.Jeva? I think it means girlfriend but I’m not sure, I’ll have to ask him.

“Hi. Nice to meet you,” I say, extending my hand out.

“She’s only with you because she didn’t meet me first, we all know I’d be her number one choice,” says Alain, chuckling as he pulls me into an embrace. I wasn’t expecting a hug but try to make it as least awkward as possible and squeeze him back. When I step away from him, a short blonde woman is standing next to him.