Page 82 of Nine Years Gone

We moved to a house in Newton Corner because Massimo has shared custody of the boys. They spend several nights each week with us and living in the city no longer made sense. Apartments in our price range aren’t big enough, and the ones that are, are way too expensive. We now have more space, a yard, Massimo’s drive to the boys’ school isn’t that far, and our drive into the city is short. Plus, my parents are less than a ten-minute drive from us, which is a bonus.

Once we complete the required paperwork, we’re in Massimo’s X6 driving home, and the dog is in the back seat in the pet carrier barking.

“The boys are gonna be excited when they meet her,” I say.

“They’re gonna flip out.”

“We should wait to name her until they get to the house tomorrow; let them choose her name.”

Massimo looks over at me, smiling. “Yeah, they’ll love that. Thank you.”

His hand extends across the center console, palm facing up, and I curl my fingers into his and squeeze.

Massimo:I have the boys—be home in about 20.

Massimo picked up the boys from school. Lucio is in first grade, and Leandro is in kindergarten. Although I work from home a lot these days because I have a spacious home office, I don’t pick the boys up often because Camila doesn’t care for me. I’ve tried to be friendly with her, for the boys’ sake, but it’s not gone over well. Massimo has tried as well, but I told him it’s not worth getting upset over; she’ll come around in her own time. He’s working on keeping his anger at bay when it comes to the whole situation.

Before closing the office door behind me, I power off the laptop to go into the kitchen, the dog following closely behind me, her tail wagging. Once there, I let the dog out into the backyard so the boys won’t see her when they get here.

“We’re home!” Feet pound the floor as they run through the house.

“Hi, guys, how was school today?”

“Hi, Lena,” says Leandro, kissing me on the cheek.

“Lena, I’m hungry. Can we have a snack?” Lucio says.

Massimo saunters in behind them, carrying their backpacks. “Hi, babe.” He leans in to swipe my lips; his are warm and wet. “Lucio, say hello, please,” Massimo says.

“Sorry, Daddy, I forgot because I’m so hungry. Hi, Lena,” he says, kissing me hello and hugging me. I squeeze him back.

“Thank you for that hug, Lucio. I needed that today.”

“You’re welcome. Now can we have a snack?”

I chuckle. “Yes, you can. You want a grilled cheese sandwich and some apple slices?”

“Can I havedulce de lechewith my apple?” asks Leandro.

“Sure, I think I have some. Why don’t you boys go wash your hands and put your stuff away while I make your snack?” The boys scurry out of the kitchen, and I can hear them running up the stairs.

“Babe, come here.” Massimo wraps his arm around my thick waist, brushing kisses along my neck. “I missed you today.”

“Missed me? I saw you this morning.” I wrap my arms up around his neck

“I know, but I had to leave so early when I would’ve rather stayed in bed.”

“Rough life you have,” I tease.

“I’ll show you rough.” He removes my glasses, placing them on the counter. He kisses me deeply, sucking on my lips and teasing them apart. Heat spreads over me, and I squeeze my legs together to quell the tingling sensation.

I hear the boys’ voices and their feet as they begin their descent down the stairs. I quickly separate from Massimo, putting my glasses back on, and open the fridge to grab the cheese.

The boys eat their snacks, and when they finish cleaning up after themselves, Massimo takes them into the family room while I bring the dog in from the yard. I open the door, scooping her up into my arms.

“We have a dog?” Lucio squeals and they both jump up from where they’re sitting.

“What’s his name?” Leandro asks.