My phone is ringing, and it wakes me from sleep. I lift my head from the pillow and see Massimo sprawled on his back to my left, softly snoring. He looks at peace and as beautiful as he always has.
I pull the blankets back and go into the kitchen to dig for my phone in my pockabook, which has stopped ringing by the time I find it in my purse.
It was Natalia. The time on my phone reads 9:07 a.m. She must be calling because I have an 11:00 a.m. phone conference scheduled with a client, and I’m still not in the office. I press the green button to dial her back.
When she answers, I say, “Hi, Natalia. What’s up?”
“Hi, Lena. I was just checking in because you’re usually here before me, and I know you have an 11:00 a.m. conference call with the Acosta family.”
“Yes, please reschedule it for this afternoon, anytime. I’ll be in, but not until a little later.”
“Okay, will do. See you soon.”
“Bye.” I hit the End button and drop my phone back into my bag before heading back to the bedroom, stopping in the bathroom on my way. When I approach the bed, Massimo is stirring awake.
“Hi, sleepyhead,” I say, crawling onto the bed to sidle up next to him.
“Mmm, I could get used to this again.” He smiles, his eyes still closed.
“I have to get going soon, but if you’re gonna wake up, I may have time for one of your famous breakfasts and some of that crappy coffee you love to drink.” I hint because my stomach is growling.
“I see how it is; you want me just for my cooking skills.” He’s laughing now. His eyes open, blinking away the sleep in them.
He kisses me and says, “Is it really you, or am I dreaming?”
“It’s me. Let me show you I’m really here.” I extend my hand down and grasp his morning wood.
We’re in the kitchen, and Massimo is making bacon and eggs. He still remembers how I like mine—over medium. I pop a few bread pieces in the toaster oven and search for the butter in the fridge.
Once we’re sitting at the counter eating, he asks, “When can I see you again?”
I shrug. “I have to work late tonight because I have a trial next week, and I’m prepping my client tomorrow most of the day. Maybe this weekend?”
“I have the boys this weekend, but we’re going to Paulie’s house Saturday night. They’re having a dinner party, and our kids love hanging out. You should come.”
The piece of bacon I’m about to bite into stops short of my mouth. “You want me to meet the boys already?”
“Yeah, why not?” He looks up from his dish as if I asked him the most asinine question.
“I don’t know. I just thought you might want to take it slow.”
He drops his fork, extending his hand out to rub his thumb across my beauty mark. “Lena, we’re not dating for the first time. We know who we are and that we’re good together, that we will be good together! Besides, at Paulie’s house, there will be a lot of people around, people you know, so it’s a good way for you to meet them, like a soft opening of sorts.”
I nod. “Okay. If that’s what you want, I’ll follow your lead.” And I bite into the bacon strip.
Three Days Later
Massimo and I decided it would be best for me to meet them at Paulie’s house. Paulie got married a few years ago and he and his wife, Anna Maria, who I’ll be meeting for the first time, bought a house in Stoneham. I asked Massimo to text me when he left so that I could arrive when he was already there. When I told Luci I was going, she was excited because she and Dom would be there too, which I’m glad about. Despite my knowing Massimo’s whole crew, I didn’t exactly leave on great terms with all of them. Other than the funeral, it’s the first time I’ll be seeing them in a social setting. Having Luci there is like having my wing-woman—an ally, so I don’t feel awkward.
As I drive up 93 toward Stoneham, I have my radio tuned to Kiss 108. “This is Love” by starts playing, and I crank up the volume. Once I find the address, I park my car on the street and pop the trunk to get the four bottles of wine I brought.
I ring the doorbell, and a woman with long, dark brown hair, wire-framed glasses, and a mole over her right upper lip opens the door. “Hi, you must be Lena. I’m Anna Maria. Please come in.”
I step into the house, and she closes the door behind me. “Hi, Anna Maria. It’s nice to meet you.” She leans in and kisses me cheek to cheek.
“I’ve heard a lot about you. I’m glad to finally meet you.”
I cringe at the words and fake a smile. She can probably see it written all over my face because it definitely doesn’t reach my eyes. She must’ve heard horror stories about me.