Page 73 of Nine Years Gone

“Considering I went back for seconds and thirds.” Luci shrugs, smirking.

“Where was your first date?” I ask.

“His friend owns a restaurant in Woburn, so we had dinner there.”

“How was it?” I ask.

“Incredible. Every time I’ve met him, he’s always been quiet, but he’s quite conversational. He wants to take me out for my birthday in a few weeks, and of course, I said yes. It’s been a while since I’ve dated someone seriously, and I like him. He’s not pushy, we have good conversation, and since I’ve known him for years, I know he’s not a serial killer.”

“You forgot to mention he’s fine!” adds Marcus.

“Yeah, that too,” Luci confirms.

Luci glows when she talks about Dom. Her eyes are upturned, and she dons a smile while speaking about him and their time together. I’m happy for her. She’s only had a couple of serious relationships over the years. I’d like to think that fate had something else in mind for her with Dom. I got to know him relatively well when I was with Massimo, and I liked him. He was always polite, has a good sense of humor, is a loyal friend, was always there for Massimo or any of his friends when they needed it most, and he’s a good-looking guy. Besides, Massimo is friends with him, and he’s weird about the friends he lets into his inner circle, which speaks volumes about Dom.

“Luce, I’m happy for you. Dom is a great guy, and I really hope it works out for you guys,” I tell her.


It Was Always You


I’M ANXIOUS TO MEETLena tonight. After she showed up here unexpectedly yesterday, we made progress in starting to squash our negative history. I was annoyed that Patty was out, and I had to fill in for her because it cut our conversation short. I hope now that Lena told me why she left, she won’t close up on me. After our conversation, getting work done was torture, and it took me twice as long to close everything out.

Work was the furthest thing from my mind. All I could think about was our exchange. She kept so much about her health from me, and I can’t help but wonder what I could’ve done differently that would’ve made her open up to me. I played a huge role in her choosing to vanish from my life. For years I blamed only Lena for everything. But I was as much responsible for our heartache as she was. That’s a tough pill to swallow.

Even with everything I learned, my stomach twists in knots when I think about what she did. But when I think about why, I almost understand, which is fucked up. What does that say about me? Does it mean she’s right, that I would’ve resented her because we wouldn’t have been able to have kids? I’d like to think not, but I’m known to be an asshole, and the truth is I don’t know what I would’ve done. My head is so fucked up over the whole thing, although at this point, I guess it doesn’t matter. What’s done is done—could’ve, would’ve, should’ve, and all that.

I feel terrible that I reacted exactly how she predicted I would and left her at The Vault the way I did. I wish I could take it back, but thankfully she accepted my apology.

And what a fucking douchebag Stefano is. I knew the guy was bad news and that things between him and Lena ended badly, but I never knew the extent of it. He fucked with her head, and that spilled over into my relationship. I should’ve beaten his ass when I had the opportunity to. Let me stop thinking about that asshole before my mood turns sour.

The clock on the wall reads 4:19 p.m. The staff is probably having their meal and their pre-shift meeting—let me join them. Before heading upstairs, I shoot Lena a text.

Massimo:Still on for dinner at BT’s?

The wine sommelier is doing his usual wine tasting with the staff while they have dinner, and I take the opportunity to speak to Patty.

“I’m heading out soon and won’t be around tonight. Of course, if you absolutely need to, call or text, but try not to need me,” I say, giving her a half-smile.

“I’ll be fine, but you know that already. Do what you need to do, and don’t worry about us.”

“I know, Patty. I trust you, but you know I’m a workaholic and control freak.”

“You? Really? Thanks for the 4-1-1. I didn’t know.” She rolls her eyes and starts laughing, then returns to the staff meeting.

Patty has been my manager since day one. She used to work at my uncle’s place with me as a waitress, taught me most of what I know. I offered her the management position when I opened up because I knew I could trust her to run this place like her own, and she does.

I saunter to the end of the bar, pull a bottle of Jack from the back shelf, and pour myself a shot. I need to take the edge off. I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket and grab it.

Lena:Yes—see you soon =)

I’m sitting on the brick wall outside the restaurant when I see Lena crossing the street. She has a black scarf wrapped around her neck and is bundled up in her black leather jacket. Her hair cascades down her back. As usual, her lips are painted, today with a dark red stain. Fuck, her beauty still shines. When she’s near, I stand.

“Hi. You look cold,” I say, kissing her cheek. Her nose is red, and her cheeks are flushed.

“I forgot how crazy the weather is in Boston. One day it’s warm, and the next, it’s frigid.” She’s rubbing her hands together.