Page 11 of Most Unusual Duke

The duke’s oversized arms crossed over his massive chest. “One does wonder was he able.”

“One does wonder you dare allude to such.” What an uncouth observation. Out of the corner of her eye, she watched him think, his jaw tensing and relaxing, his brows drawing together and apart. Was he conversing with himself? Or was he consulting with his creature? He then exclaimed: “We will, of course, undertake a white marriage.”

“Naturally, Your Grace.” She infused as much frost as she was able into her reply.

Naturally. For she was an unnatural female, barren and of no use. Particularly to a creature that presumably expected great swathes of offspring, like the animals they were.

Very well. She would be a figurehead rather than a failed broodmare. She would take on the mantle of duchess and use her position to help her sister find a true love of her own. She would live in Town during the season and retreat to the country for the rest of the year. It was an arrangement many had made before her and many would make after. She would not expect any differently. She was not unique.

She was not special.


Arthur’s bear growled at his ham-handedness. That was not the most propitiously timed demand, on the heels of his poorly worded reflection on Castleton’s ability to bring forth young. For that lack could be laid entirely at his door. He did not know if Madam had sought a child of that creature or if any offspring was better than none. He had no way of knowing and certainly no skill in divining the truth. Had Madam any female companionship? A confidante at least? Freya only knew what class of society was to be found wherever Castleton’s lands lay. Was it Yorkshire or even further north—

“Northumberland, was it?”

“Castleton’s holding?” She navigated his conversational shoals with aplomb. “Adolphus Place is in North Sunderland and quite remote. We did not enjoy acquaintance with anyone of any species, and the servants were all of your kind.”

“He had no pack? No Beta, no Gamma?”

“I do not understand these terms.”

“Versipellis,” and it was the first time Arthur used the term plainly, “require a hierarchy to survive and thrive. Castleton, as an Alpha, ought to have had a Beta, or Second, and a Gamma, or Third. These would allow him the vital work of holding his pack together, to reserve his strength for necessities of protection. A Beta is charged with being the Alpha’s go-between in matters of pack business, and a Gamma is in charge of the direct grievances of the rest.”

“There were no such things.” Madam gave him her full attention. “Where does one find such people, the Beta and the Gamma?”

“Often from within the foundation family. Unlike humans, a spare is not a total loss as a creature. He often takes on the role of Second.” If only his father had had a brother. If only the bears of his father’s time had reproduced more prolifically.

“And if the second child was a daughter?”

“It is not a role for females.”

“Is it not, Your Grace?” Madam took this less calmly than the “white marriage” remark. Her little hands clenched. “And yet Lowell has a woman who is quite close to hand—”

“Lowell is not the pattern card for Shifter behavior.” Bloody wolf!

“Is he not? A pity. Although I suspected it was not the general way of your kind.”

“Our kind?”


We are not a wolf!his bear screeched like a fishwife.Does she think allversipellesarewolves? Tell her I am no canine!

I will tell her what I deem fit.“I see Castleton did not attend to your education.”

“Oh, I learned,” she said, the words bitter. Arthur found he did not like to see her plush, pink little mouth misshapen by resentment. “As dearly as the marquess sought to prevent it, I learned.”

How had she discovered the secret? Arthur doubted she had been enlightened in a calm, pleasant manner. “Allow me, then.Versipellianhierarchy is not unlike that of human society, in that the strongest creatures are found at the apex and their charge is to devote themselves to the care and comfort of the majority.”

“That is as unlike human society as I can imagine, Duke.”

“Duke”?His bear snorted; it was somewhat preferable to “Your Grace,” but not by much. “I take your point, Madam,” he conceded.

“Is it better to compare it to class, then?”

Arthur suspected it took quite a lot for her to evince interest. “It is, in that the highest are those who have much in material terms, but unlike upper human classes,versipellianleaders have no function, no purpose, without having any in their care.” He leaned forward, elbows on his knees, and her heartbeat increased measurably. Madam sat up straighter, if it was possible, and focused her attention on the stray lock of hair that was wont to fall on his brow. He tucked it back, and her heartbeat stuttered. Hmmm. “A true Alpha is but the servant of the greater good.”