Page 37 of Would You Rather

I guess it’s a good thing opposites attract.

After dinner that night, Noah said he had something for her and disappeared to his room. She cleaned up the table and out of habit separated the extra wings for Claire before realizing she wouldn’t be going back home to take them to her.


Instead, she wrapped them up and put them in the fridge, wondering if she’d have time to take them to Claire tomorrow.

Noah reentered the living room and sat beside her. She’d kept her original spot on the couch, and it felt like every other Thursday night.

Except this time, he offered her a ring.

She stared at his open palm and the two circles there. They were silicone, the larger one black and the small one a dark purple.

He took the purple one between his thumb and forefinger. “I’m sorry I didn’t think about rings before. But someone asked me, and I realized we should probably wear them.”

She nodded, her throat strangely tight. She took the band, bending it between her fingers.

“They’re nothing fancy. It seemed silly to spend a lot of money. You know, since...” he trailed off.

Why did her heart feel so fluttery, bouncing around inside her chest? This was for appearances, plain and simple. Still, she couldn’t hide the emotion in her voice. “Purple’s my favorite.”

“I know.”

She slid the ring on her fourth finger and watched as he slowly did the same with his. She looked up to find his ice-blue gaze on her.

“Thank you,” she whispered. “Not just for the ring.”

“I swear, Mia. If I hear those words from your mouth one more time...”

She grinned. “You’ll what?”

He paused. “I—I’ll think of something.”

She settled back and picked up the remote. “Let me know when you do. It’sBachelorettetime.”

He stood. “You’re on your own with those fake relationships tonight. I still need to pack for Eldo.”

She sidestepped the opportunity to point out a “fake relationship” was exactly what they were doing. “You took off work tomorrow, right?”

“Yeah. We’re gone Friday through Sunday morning. My parents are having a little get-together for my mom’s birthday on Sunday, so I wanted to be back for that. Would you mind coming with me?”

“Of course I’ll come.”

He started toward the hallway, then stopped and faced her again. He gripped the back of his neck, worry marring his brow. “Will you be okay? Here? While I’m gone?”

She laughed. “Why wouldn’t I be?”

His expression didn’t change. “I don’t know. It’s were always with Claire before. I feel sort of weird leaving you alone.”

“You think I can’t handle living by myself? I have roommates because Denver is expensive, not because I’m incapable of being alone.”

He shook his head, wincing. “No, I just meant...what if something happens and you need a doctor or something?”


She frowned a little, still unsure how she felt about that. Part of her appreciated his concern while another rebelled at the thought of him feeling responsible for her. “I feel fine.”

He must have noticed her tone, because he opened his mouth like he might say more, but clamped it shut. He swallowed and nodded, leaving her alone.