Page 114 of Home Sweet Mess

Chapter Twenty-Seven

Jeni took a deep breath and said a prayer.

Her foot tapped the gas pedal, and she turned the corner, her eye catching on Logan’s house at the end of the street.

Her chest constricted. She hoped she wasn’t too late.

She’d wanted to run to him the day after she and Lauren spoke. But she also wanted to think things through and decided it would be worse to make a rash decision. She had to dig deep and really decide what she wanted and what she was ready for.

Jeni approached his house and slowed, noticing the red Camaro parked in front of his house for the first time. It looked a lot like—

Surely not.

But when she sidled her Hyundai up to the curb, her eye caught movement near Logan’s front door. It was open, and Cassidy and Logan stepped outside together. He enveloped her in a hug, and Jeni flinched as pain sliced through her heart.

Her thoughts whirled, her brain taking only a few seconds to catch up.

She was too late. He’d moved on.

“How could you?” she whispered, her eyes on his hands pressed against the upper back of another woman. Jeni directed the quiet words in Logan’s direction, but she may as well have said them to herself. She was to blame for this.

Why hadn’t she at least called? Texted him last week to tell him she was thinking things through and begged for a little time to figure her shit out?

Instead, she’d done exactly what Andrew predicted. Pulled back and isolated herself. She’d missed Logan desperately the entire time and had the audacity to hope he missed her too. Maybe he had, at first. Who knew. But who could blame him at this point for moving on? Not only had Jeni been difficult ever since he met her, but she’d basically dropped off the face of the earth after rejecting his marriage proposal.

Her chin trembled, and her chest burned. She was such an idiot.

As she sat there unable to tear her eyes away from the man she loved, Logan tilted his head up and looked right at her. Jeni straightened her spine, and her eyes went wide. She jerked the wheel and floored it, peeling away as quickly as possible.

Jeni couldn’t help but glance once in the rearview mirror, just in time to see Logan jog to the middle of his yard and watch her drive away.

* * *

An hour after she got home, Logan called.

Jeni was too embarrassed to answer. She’d been in front of his house like a total creeper, staring at him moments after he’d probably had sex with another woman.

If she thought she’d protected herself with her stupid relationship rules these last several months, she was sorely mistaken. It felt like someone had taken a torch gun to her heart, sending it up in flames and ash.

Thirty minutes later, she’d calmed down a little. So, he’d been with Cassidy. He and Jeni weren’t together right now, a situation she’d put them in, and he could do whatever he damn well pleased. Far as he knew, they were over for good, and she couldn’t fault him for being with another woman.

It tore her up inside, but she couldn’t be mad about it.

She had to at least try to talk to him. Maybe even say what she’d planned when she went to his house in the first place. She picked up her phone and called him back.

His voice was calm and deep when he answered. “Hey.”

“Hi.” She adjusted her grip on the phone. “I’m sorry about earlier. I wasn’t, like, camped out in front of your house or something. I was coming over to see you, and you two came out just as I pulled up, and I kind of froze up. I didn’t expect to see her there, and I didn’t mean—”


She closed her mouth and swallowed, trying to calm her racing heart.

“I called to tell you that it’s not what you think. I almost didn’t call at all, because I don’t need to explain anything to you.”

Jeni’s breath stuttered. “You’re right. You don’t owe me an explanation.”

“I want to though. I’m not sure why.”