Page 111 of Home Sweet Mess

Chapter Twenty-Six

Logan’s phone rang. Again.

It was the sixth time in two hours. He shoved the box spring into the bed of his pickup truck before he answered.

“Hello?” He leaned his back against the vehicle while he listened. “Uh, I think I have an infant car seat, but I’ll have to check. I’m making a delivery right now, so I’ll have to let you know. It will probably be an hour before I can get back to the garage. Okay, I’ll call you back.” He huffed out a breath and climbed into the driver’s seat. He hated the frustration he felt right now. This organization was supposed to bring him joy and healing, not stress.

It just blew up so quickly. Faster than he’d anticipated and he didn’t have the time or manpower to do it on his own anymore. Not only did he need to keep his day job for financial reasons, but he also loved it. The foundation was supposed to be a side gig, not a full-time job.

But what choice did he have? As long as there were kids who needed beds or a safe car seat, he’d keep doing it. Even if it ran him into the ground. What he really needed was to hire someone to run the day-to-day operations for him. The volunteers who helped out were inconsistent and just weren’t cutting it.

His phone vibrated on the dash. Logan considered not answering, but what if it was Jeni this time? Every damn time his phone rang, a little part of him hoped for it.

He’d thought about calling her several times but always decided against it. He’d put himself out there enough times. It was her turn. If she wasn’t willing to meet him in the middle and even discuss a future together, he was better off without her.

Didn’t mean it didn’t hurt like a fucking gunshot straight through his heart.

Logan grabbed the phone and checked the screen. It wasn’t Jeni, but it was the next best thing. “Hey, Andrew. Long time, no see.”

“You can’t see me.”

“Wiseass.” Logan grinned. “Okay, long time, no talk.”

“The last time I saw you I learned through a door that you were, and I quote, ‘more than friends’ with my sister.”

Logan grimaced. “Yeah. Sorry about that. I wanted to tell you.”

“Why didn’t you?”

“Jeni said no.”

“I’d argue more, but I get that.”

“I really am sorry.”

“I’ve had a few weeks to let it sink in. I was actually calling to check on you. See if you wanted to hang out. Talk or something.”

“Yeah? We’re still friends?”

“For now. Jeni’s a mess, and I need you to fix that.”

“I wish I could.”

Andrew’s sigh was audible through the earpiece. “Yeah, I get that too. I’ve been mostly worried about her, and then I realized I’m being an ass and you’re my friend and you might be a mess too. What are you doing? Want to get a beer?”

“I’m delivering a bed to a foster family, and then I have to go back and check for a car seat. The foundation has been insane lately. I probably won’t be home until after eight.”

“Okay if I stop by?”

“Sure. I’ll call you if I think I’ll be later than that.”

“Sounds good.”

“And Andrew? I am. A mess.”

Andrew laughed once without humor. “Yeah. Love does that.”

* * *