Page 69 of Home Sweet Mess

“What do you mean?”

“You’re not going to try to convince me I’m being unreasonable?”

“You went through a lot, and it’s not unreasonable to be hesitant. But to refuse to consider another relationship? Ever? That’s probably unreasonable. And I’m definitely going to try and change your mind. Just not today.”

Jeni snorted. “You’ve got your work cut out for you.”

He grinned. “Go big or go home. That’s what I always say.”

She reached back to tighten her ponytail and grabbed her bag. “We’re going big tonight.”

“I can’t wait to see what you’ve got.”

Jeni quirked a grin and opened her door. “That’s what she said.”

They met at the front of his truck, and he shook his head. “Why do you have the perverted mind of a fifteen-year-old boy?”

“I don’t. I have the mind of Michael Scott.”

“Fan of The Office, eh?”

“Love it.”

“It’s too awkward for me,” Logan admitted. “I can’t handle it.”

She laughed. “If you don’t like awkward, you definitely can’t handle that show.”

They approached the complex, and Logan led them to the assigned field. His teammates’ curious eyes settled on Jeni. He didn’t mind those, but the full body sweep from a few of the guys made his muscles tense up.

He introduced her as a friend, and a few minutes later, the game began.

* * *

If Logan thought he knew how sexy Jeni was before, he’d been sorely mistaken. Jeni on the softball field was mesmerizing. The intensity in her face while on the pitcher’s mound, the confident smile when she struck someone out, and the frustration when a pinch runner needed to be sent in when she hit first base. Her car accident had mostly affected the lower half of her body, and she’d admitted she was too slow for a competitive game like this.

It was the final inning of the game, and Logan had just made a run for home, giving them an additional point that put them on top. He jogged to the dugout, breathing hard, and slapped his hand against Jeni’s as she passed him on her way to bat.

“Nice job,” Curt said from his spot on the bench. The guy was good at softball, but Logan had never cared much for his personality. “Nice addition to the team you brought today. Where’ve you kept her hidden away? She’s damn good. We could’ve used her early on in the season.”

“She just moved here a few months ago.”

“You fucking her?”

Logan choked on his sport’s drink. “The hell? We’re not friends, Curt. Don’t ever ask me a question like that again.”

He ignored Logan’s response and tipped his head in Jeni’s direction. “Mind if I do?”

Logan’s fingers curled into a tight fist, and his jaw went taut. He forced himself to take a breath so he didn’t lay Curt out on the dirt. He’d love nothing more than to smash his fist in the guy’s pretty face, but they were in the middle of a game and they were on the same team. And Logan didn’t have a claim on Jeni, nor did he think she needed him to protect her.

In fact, he was confident Jeni would set Curt down quite nicely. “I’d like to see you try.”

Curt threw his head back and laughed. “She shoot you down?”

Logan kept his mouth shut and stripped off his batting gloves, tossing them on the bench. He turned his back on Curt and watched Jeni step up to the plate. He kept his eyes on her hands so he wouldn’t look at her ass while she waited for the pitch. She gave a perfect swing and hit a line drive straight past the second baseman, giving her enough time to jog to first base.

“Nice!” Logan called.

The answering smile she shot in his direction went straight to his heart. He grinned back at her, gripping the chain links between his fingers.

He was in trouble. Big trouble.