Page 112 of Home Sweet Mess

Two hours later, Logan and Andrew sat on Logan’s back porch, drinks in hand, watching the sky darken. They hadn’t said much yet. Logan wasn’t sure where to start, but he figured apologizing again couldn’t hurt.

“I wasn’t a good friend to you. Seeing Jeni behind your back like that. I should have asked you first.”

“Asked me? Like for permission?”

“Well, yeah. Or at least asked if you were okay with it. I know you probably don’t think I’m worthy of her, with the way I used to—”


Logan halted his words and looked at Andrew.

“You’re one of my best friends. I think very highly of you.”

“You do?”

“Sure. You’re a great guy. You don’t always act like you think so, but I know you’re more than the Casanova role you play. Besides, who am I to judge? I’m no saint.”

“Oh. Well, that’s good to hear.”

“Would I have liked to know you were interested in my sister? Yes. You crossed a line there. But I’ve had a lot on my mind these last few months. I understand why you didn’t want to add that into the mix. Depending on the day, I might have flipped my shit on you. Chemo messes with your brain, man, I’m telling you.”

“I bet. Because of that, I’d have let you hit me. Once.”

Andrew laughed. “Once is all it would take, my friend.”

“Eh, I don’t know. Chemo makes you tired too.”

“Sure, okay. You want to use my chemo as a handicap, go ahead.”

Logan smiled. He hadn’t realized how much he’d missed Andrew.

Andrew must have been thinking something along the same lines. “I sort of blame myself too. I haven’t really been around much. If I hadn’t been spending all my free time with Lauren, I’m sure I would have figured out what was going on between you two.”

“You found your girl. Can’t fault you for that.”

“Yeah, but that doesn’t mean I can forget about my friends.”

“You didn’t. You’re here, aren’t you?”

“Yeah. I’m here.” Andrew took a sip of beer. “So really. How are you?”

“I’ve been better.”

“What happened exactly? Jeni only told me bits and pieces.”

“You want it from the beginning?”


So, Logan told him everything. Well, everything except the mind-blowing sex. Probably best to keep that to himself. But he did tell him about the night of Andrew’s diagnosis and how they talked most of the night. And about the time he ‘saved’ her from the rest of their family, to which Andrew nodded in understanding. He told him about realizing he wanted to date Jeni, her resistance to the idea, and crashing dinner at Jeni’s house so he could spend more time with her.

He told him about the Chiefs game, softball, and having dinner with his mother. How Jeni found out about his involvement in the foster community and that she knew about his life before adoption. He kept that part brief because he’d never talked about it in detail with Andrew before. Even though he’d opened up to Jeni, it didn’t mean his past was suddenly open to the public.

He told Andrew about the time she called him for the little boy hiding under her desk and how they started brewing beer together.

“We’d both always wanted to but just never done it. We spent a lot of time together, sometimes just as friends and sometimes…not.” Logan cringed a little at that, but Andrew’s fist didn’t fly at his face so he counted that as a good sign. “But no matter what, she insisted that whatever we were doing was temporary and she never intended to get married again.”

“That sounds like her.”