Page 58 of Never Got Over You

I wasn’t sure about anything anymore. Except the unfortunate text message that kept popping up in my inbox every morning like clockwork.

Grant: Do you have an answer for me?

I was officially out of options.


~March 5th, 2010 ~

I WASN’T SURE IF IT was because I was delusional or stubbornly in love, but I continued making the two and a half hour drive to James’s lake house every weekend after the wedding. My heart refused to give up on seeing him again, refused to accept that he’d broken his promise to me.

While I was there, I lay on the wooden swing he made for me and took rides around the lake via his collection of boats.

Would he really make a false promise and never bother coming back?

When the sun began to set over the horizon, I closed his curtains and headed back to Edgewood. By the time I made it home, a woman in a tightly fitted red dress was being whisked away by our security guard. I looked her over and immediately knew she was one of Grant’s many mistresses.

We hadn’t had sex and I didn’t plan on it?ever?but on some days, he didn’t even try to keep up the ruse that we were happily married.

Stepping out of the car, I realized that I couldn’t take another day of this. We needed to make a slight amendment to our arrangement, and I needed to get the hell away from him.

I made my way to the master bedroom and spotted him getting out of the shower.

His eyes met mine, and he smiled as he wrapped a towel around his waist. “Welcome home, honey.”

“Cut the crap, Grant.” I rolled my eyes. “I thought we agreed that you wouldn’t invite any of your mistresses over before seven? Like, you’re not supposed to have them here unless no one else is around.”

“First of all, I don’t have multiple mistresses,” he said. “There’s just one, and her name is Ava. She says hello, by the way.”

“Tell her I said that she can do better.”

“Noted.” He laughed. “But seriously, that wasn’t a mistress that you saw. It was the new interior designer. We got a bit carried away in the parlor room, but it won’t happen again.”

I honestly didn’t care if it did at this point. “We need to talk about something important.”

“Oh?” He looked concerned. “What’s wrong?”

“I can’t fucking stand you, Grant.” The words tumbled out, unrehearsed and free. “I honestly can’t stand this arrangement for another second, and I want to cut it down to one more week. That way, we can be happy again and I can go find the guy who actually did want to marry me.”

He stared at me for several seconds without saying a word. Adjusting his towel, he walked over to our room’s liquor cabinet and poured himself a shot of scotch.

“Are you going to say something?” I asked.

“Yeah.” He tossed back the shot. “I don’t think so. I don’t think we need to get a divorce at all.”

“Come again?”

“Besides the fact that we’ve agreed to ninety days with a short separation, and?”

“It feels like it’s already been ninety years.”

“It’s only been twenty-one days.” He had the nerve to smile. “Anyway, I’m quite enjoying all the perks that come with being a married Harrison in my family, and it’s not like I’m asking you to love me or have sex. I think we can make this work for a bit longer than ninety days,” he said. “I was planning to mention it to you this weekend.”

“My answer is no, and you’re right.” I shrugged. “We made a deal for ninety days. I’ll go ahead and start packing, so I can make sure I’m more than ready.”

“I’m not going to divorce you, Kate.” He set down his glass. “I’ve changed my mind.”


“You heard exactly what I said.” He moved closer. “You can still go fuck James Garrett for all I care, but I’ll never sign the divorce papers. He’ll understand.”

“He really won’t.”

“Then that’s his problem.” He ran his fingers through my hair, and I flinched at his touch. “Would you really give this all up just to be with someone who’ll never make a tenth of what you’re used to?”

“Yes, because I love him.”

“That’s cute.” He shrugged. “I’m sure he loves you, too. Oh, wait. When’s the last time you heard from him?”

I said nothing.

“Exactly. You’re ready to throw away the security of your family and your husband—”

“My fake husband who I loathe.” I cut him off.

“Yes.” He laughed. “That guy. You’re ready to ruin all of that for a guy who fucked you a few times and made some pretty promises. If that’s all it takes to impress you, get on your knees to suck my cock and I’ll promise you the world. Only difference is, I’ll actually be able to buy it for you.”