Ada called out, “She doesn’t like her mare’s scent, so you’ll need to make the new one smell like fine perfume, too.”

The corners of Kent’s mouth lifted and Portia dropped her head to hide her smile.

“Mrs.Gordon,” he said. “I’m sure Cal has given you the best mount he has to offer and I know MissCarmichael bends over backwards to accommodate her guests. Now if you’d like to stay behind and let Cal give you more lessons, that’s fine with me. Once you’re more comfortable, he can ride with you to the ranch so you can join us.”

From the way she stiffened, it was obvious she’d been expecting him to take her side, which Portia found illogical considering he’d spent so little time in her company, but she supposed Elvenna was accustomed to having men fall at her feet.

Kent asked, “Are we ready to ride, MissCarmichael?”

“I believe we are.” Pleased that he hadn’t succumbed, she glanced over at Phillip and the Jakeses. Upon receiving their affirmative nods, she’d turned to the tight-faced widow. “Your decision, Mrs.Gordon? Are you staying behind for further lessons?”

“No.” And showing a skill she’d not displayed an hour ago, she brought her mare into line and set out with their small party for the ride to the Blanchard place.