Chapter Fourteen

Rhine wanted to go see Eddy as soon as the sun came up but he knew that was ridiculous. More than likely she had early morning duties to attend to and he wouldn’t endear himself by showing up and interfering. Yet, the knowledge that he would get to see her at some point made the prospect exciting.

“So, what did Natalie want yesterday?” Jim asked as they ate breakfast.

“To give me one more chance to come to my senses, as she put it.” Thinking about her was enough to ruin his day.

“She still thinks you’re going to marry her?”

“Apparently. She’d come to give me one last chance to change my mind before she accepted Ethan Miller’s proposal.”

Jim choked on his swallow of coffee. “Ethan Miller?” he croaked once he recovered.

Rhine raised a forkful of eggs. “That’s what she said.”

“Now that’s news for the gossips.”

“Better her than me. I can’t fathom her parents agreeing to such a disastrous union.”

“Neither can I.”

“She said she’d send me an invitation to the wedding. I declined.”

“Let’s just hope Ethan doesn’t send invites to Lady Ruby and her girls.”

Ethan was a regular at the whorehouse and didn’t seem to care who knew. “That, I would pay to see.”

They laughed.

Jim asked, “Are you going to see MissEddy today?”

“Yes. I’m hoping she’ll agree to make the cakes and we can discuss the ins and outs.”

“And use the opportunity to spend some time with her.”

“That, too.”

“As I said before, if you just told her the truth about yourself, things might be easier.”

“Let’s see how it goes first.” He didn’t want to admit that he’d been seriously considering the idea, consequences be damned.

“You’ll be going to Doc Randolph to be sewed back together if Zeke has any say.”

“Hoping it won’t come to that.”

“She is a fascinating woman though.”

Rhine observed him above his raised coffee cup. “You’re not thinking of throwing your hat in the ring, too, are you?”

Jim shrugged. “Think I’ll wait until the rest of you kill each other off, then I’ll have a clear shot.” He popped a piece of bacon in his mouth.

Rhine chuckled and they returned to their meal.

Eddy spent her morning wondering what time Rhine might appear and rebuilding the walls against him. If she kept in mind that Zeke was a better choice, she’d be fine, or at least that’s what she told herself.

And she was fine until he walked into the kitchen.

“Good morning, Eddy.”