“Let me ask you a question. Are you interested in her as more than a cook?”

“She’s a beautiful woman.”

“That’s not an answer.”

“Okay, I am interested, but I doubt she’ll have me.”

“You’ve discussed this with her?”

“What she and I have discussed is between us.”

“Then as a man of honor, leave her alone.”

Zeke wasn’t the first person to tell him this and more than likely wouldn’t be the last. “Anything else?”


“Thanks for the advice.” Not the first time he’d said that either.

Rhine sensed Zeke wanted to say more, but whatever it was he bit it back, turned, and left.

Rhine blew out a breath and again wondered where his desire for Eddy Carmichael would lead.

Jim stuck his head in the door again. “It must be your day.”

“Now what?”

“Natalie Greer’s out front in her carriage. Wants to speak with you.”

Wondering what in hell she wanted, he stood and went to find out.

Once again she was accompanied by her Chinese driver. “What can I do for you, Natalie?”

“I came to see if you’ve come to your senses.”


“Marrying me. You’ve had ample time to think things over.”

He studied the beautiful face that was just a veneer over her ugly thinking. “I haven’t changed my mind.”

“Then I’ll be accepting Ethan Miller’s proposal.”

Ethan Miller was not the best choice for a husband. If he wasn’t somewhere getting drunk, he was somewhere cheating at cards. “I hope you’ll be happy.”

“I’m sure we will. I’ll send you an invitation to the wedding.”

“Not necessary.”

“This is your last chance, Rhine Fontaine.”

“Understood. But I won’t be changing my mind.”

“Fine. Drive on!” she snapped at the driver.

He set the carriage in motion. Rhine walked back inside.

Eddy felt much better after her bath. She and Sylvia often sat outside at the end of the day to watch the sun set and the moon rise, so she joined her.