“Not a lot of people. I hear most of them came here after church. Mr.Brown wasn’t too happy because it was supposed to be a fund-­raiser. Can’t raise money when no one comes.”

“We did have a rather large crowd today. Maybe next time we can put a jar out and have people put in donations and turn the money over to the church.”

“That’s an excellent idea.” He paused for a moment and asked sincerely, “How are you?”

“Tired, but it’s the good kind. Everyone seemed to love the food.”

“I do, too. As I said before, you’re a fine cook, Eddy Carmichael.”

She knew it made no sense, but she found herself comparing having him at the table with Rhine. Zeke’s nearness didn’t charge the air like a summer storm nor did she have trouble keeping herself or her breathing on an even keel. Would his kisses be even-­keeled as well?

“Penny for your thoughts.”

“I’m sorry. I was just thinking about how tasty this ice cream is. Thanks again for thinking of me.”

“To tell you the truth, you’ve been on my mind a lot since we met.”

“That’s nice of you to say.”

“I’d like to spend more time with you.”

She was just about to respond when she looked up and saw Rhine standing in the doorway and she almost dropped the bowl.

“Sorry to interrupt,” he said smoothly.

Eddy got the sense that he wasn’t sorry about a thing. Zeke’s eyes narrowed.

“May I help you, Mr.Fontaine?” she asked, and tried not to let seeing him take her back to being in his arms.

“I have a business proposal for you, but I can come back later.”

“Tomorrow during the day would be preferable.” Last night’s encounter had been so searing, she didn’t need a repeat performance roiling her senses again.

“As you wish. I’m also returning your cup.” It was one she’d put the marmalade in. He walked over and placed it on the table beside her. “The marmalade was... memorable.”

It was impossible not to remember his talk of putting the marmalade on her lips. His eyes said he remembered it as well. “I’m glad you enjoyed it,” she managed to say over her pounding heart.

“I did. Anytime you have more to share, I’d be appreciative.”

He was talking about kissing her again, and while a part of herself thrilled at the prospect, the sensible part reminded her that Zeke was a safer, more rational choice. “I’ll keep that in mind.”

“Good. I’ll see you tomorrow. Again my apology for interrupting. Zeke.” He inclined his head and left them alone.

“What kind of business proposal does he have in mind?” Zeke asked tightly.

“I’ve no idea.” And she didn’t.

“I do think he’s interested in you, but then again, so am I.”

Eddy had gone from having no beau to more male interest than she knew what to do with.

“As I was saying, I’d like to spend some time with you.”

“I’d like that.”

“There’s a band concert Friday night I’d like to escort you to. It’s sponsored by Fontaine’s saloon though and he’ll be there. Not sure how you feel about that.”

“I’d enjoy going with you.”