Eddy was glad she liked them. “I’m going to take the rest over to MissVera, and after my fittings, walk to the market. I need to speak to Mr.Rossetti about donating something for the auction, and he said he’d have some oranges in today. I’d like to buy as many as I can so I can make marmalade.”

Sylvia paused and her face lit up. “Marmalade? Eddy Carmichael, you make marmalade?”

“Yes. My mother taught me.”

“You know, I’m never letting you leave me. I don’t care if you do have your heart set on California. You are staying here.”

A laughing Eddy left her alone.

Vera loved the sweet little wafer straws, too, as did her assistant Shanna. In fact, they ate so many, Eddy cautioned, “Vera, you aren’t going to have any left for your customers.”

“I don’t care. These are wonderful.” And she dipped the end of another one into the tea in her fancy china cup.

The door to the store opened and they all paused as Natalie Greer entered. She was wearing a nice gray walking dress with a little matching hat and carrying a fancy parasol in the same shade. She gave Eddy a cold glare before turning her attention to Vera. “Vera, I’ve come to cancel the wedding costume I picked out yesterday.”

“If you’ve changed your mind and want to look at other patterns, that’s fine.”

“I won’t need a costume. I’ve decided Rhine and I don’t suit. The engagement’s off.”

“I’m so sorry.”

“Don’t be. I’m not.”

Eddy couldn’t help but wonder why she’d tossed him over.

As if having read Eddy’s mind, she volunteered, “I want him to sell his saloon, and since he refuses, I won’t marry him.”

“I see.”

“I’ll not be the subject of gossip.”

Vera simply nodded.

“Hopefully, rescinding the order won’t be an inconvenience.”

“No, MissGreer. My shop and I will be fine.”

“Good. Thank you for your understanding.” After glaring Eddy’s way again, she and her dainty little hat and parasol swept out.

In the silence that followed, Vera cracked, “So, he finally came to his senses. It’s about time.”

Shanna quipped, “And every eligible young lady in the state is singing hallelujah!”

Eddy found it interesting that even though the Greer woman claimed to have initiated the breakup, Vera thought otherwise.

Vera helped herself to another wafer. “Okay, Eddy, let’s get your fittings done.”

Kent stuck his head in the doorway of Rhine’s office. “Natalie’s outside. Says she wants to speak with you.”

Rhine, seated at his desk glanced up from the report he’d gotten from his brother Drew on the oil fields they were investing in.

“She doesn’t look happy,” Kent commented.

Rhine pushed his chair back and stood. “She has good reason. I broke off our engagement last night.”

Kent’s jaw dropped.

“I’ll tell you the whole sad tale when I return.”